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Roscoe rubbed his hands together, he was trying to get all his thoughts together. Yes, him and Rose had a great time last night! But that didn't change the fact he was shown videos of her acting as if she was single.

"You're up early," Rose commented entering the kitchen wearing one of his black tee shirts. She usually woke up before him for school.

She grabbed his chin, and leaned in for a kiss which he returned. They shared a gentle kiss before she walked into kitchen.

"What you want for breakfast?" She asked. He took in her appearance noticing a glow was literally coming off her.

He stretched his arms, "it's doesn't matter." He looked down at his phone causing his dreads to fall down his face.

"Okay.." she said taking out ingredients from the fridge for breakfast.

Roscoe answered his ringing phone, "Good morning." David chirped through the phone.

"Morning," Roscoe responded holding his head. Rose wondered who was calling her man this early but stayed quiet, and swallowed a plan b.

"I'm just calling to let you know Zac is expecting you," David said talking about the Sargent he was getting to mentor Roscoe. Roscoe was suppose to meet with Zac on last Friday, but he had to handle a drop with Hakeem.

"Okay, I'm going to stop by on my way to school."

"Alright, call me to let me know how it goes." David really cared about Roscoe's future and wanted to help in anyway he could. David grew a strong bond with Roscoe. David was planning to be in Roscoe's life forever even if his daughter relationship didn't work out.

"Will do, thank you again." Roscoe said exchanging a few more words with David before ending the call.

"Have you talked to your mom?" Rose asked placing Roscoe's plate in front of him.

"Not in a few days," Roscoe mumbled. Rose noticed the change in Roscoe mood once the topic of his mom came up, so she dropped it.

Roscoe had enough to worry about, and to add to his stress his mom was back on the streets. Roscoe worries about his mom but he knew there was only so much he could do. He blamed himself for her leaving, he felt like he put too much on her when the topic of moving came up. Roscoe was trying to stay strong but he was slowly breaking.

"You know if you want to talk.. I'm here," Rose spoke up gaining his attention. He looked into her genuine eyes. At the moment, he believed her. He believed she cared for him because she proved it to him numerous time. But now doubt of her staying true was in the back of his mind.

"I know."

They begun eating breakfast together like they did most mornings. Rose was trying to spark a conversation with him but he kept being short with her. She could definitely tell something was off.

Roscoe noticed she was growing concerned so before she could question him, he got up from the table. He washed out this dishes he used before disappearing into the bedroom.

They made love all last night but now he was acting funny. Rose wondered if she did something that upset him. It was clear she did something, but she didn't know what that something was.

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