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"I'm guessing she threatened you too huh?" David chuckling holding his coat close to his body as he took a seat beside Roscoe on the somewhat crowded bleachers.

"You know it?" Roscoe replied looking up from his cellphone to look at Rose who was performing with her team on the sideline.

"You have any plans for Christmas?" David wondered. He really like something about Roscoe but he couldn't put a finger on it. At first he thought it was because he reminded him of himself.

"Nah," Roscoe replied strolling through the selfies Rose took early found his favorite one and saved it as his locked screen.

"Well, Rose and I always have a pajama night, watch Christmas movies, and make holiday snacks on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas we open gifts then have dinner if you want to come you're more than welcome," Roscoe smiled and lifted his eyes to David.

"I'll be there."

"Good. You know this is her first Christmas without her mom she did pretty well on Thanksgiving I'm guessing?" He questioned. After dinner Rose left with Roscoe for time alone.

Roscoe chuckled at the memory, "Yeah, she was perfect." She was always amazing in bed.

"Just make sure she's not perfect at my house," David hinted catching on the energy Roscoe didn't intentionally give off.

"You got it boss man," Roscoe laughed pulling his hood over his head.

"All jokes to the side when are you going to stop playing games with my daughter? It's clear y'all both strongly like each other. Why haven't you made it exclusive?" He wondered but he was just being the spy Rose asked him to be. She was starting to think she was being to clingy and was turning him off.

"To be real with you. She just got out a relationship and I want her to make sure this is what she wants, ya know? I don't want to rush into anything with her," He replied.

David nodded understanding, "You should tell her that."


"Thanks for coming dad I know you're busy these days," Rose smiled giving her dad a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

"Anything for you but I do have to go. I'll see y'all later," He said dapping Roscoe up before leaving.

"That's my dad now! Carry the fuck on!" Rose laughed warning Ryan, Kiara, and Nia who were gawking the handsome man from a distance.

"Can he be my daddy?!" Kiara asked grinding the air causing them to laugh.

"Give him my number!" Nia laughed sticking out her ridiculous long tongue playfully laughing with her friends.

"Hey Roscoe, I see ya ass came!" Kiara laughed nudging arms with Nia.

"He want that P-" Ryan covered Nia mouth before she got herself suspended from the cheering squad for using foul language while in uniform, Rose shook her head with Roscoe amused at her friends.

"Call us later bae!" Ryan called out, Rose nodded and waved.

"Bye, Roscoeeee!" They shouted pulling Nia recklessness away from the scene to the bus. Roscoe drove her car to the stadium for her so they could leave together.

Rose turned around to Roscoe, "Thank you for coming, I appreciate the support." He sighed thinking heavy about what David said for some reason it sounded like Rose words to him.

He wrapped his arms around her, "Anytime," he said kissing her forehead as she melted in his arms wishing he was all hers.

The walked to her car talking about the Victory their school bought home tonight.

He opened the passenger side for her, she slid in once she was settled he closed the door, and walked over to the driver door.

"What you wanna eat?" Roscoe asked starting up the car knowing she was hungry. She was always hungry but it was because she's an athlete, and used a lot of energy during the week.

"Wendy's," She smiled, he drove to there destination.

He went through the drive thru ordered their food, they waited in line after paying to receive their food.

Rose turned End of the Road down, and tapped Roscoe's arm. He turned to her noticing a frown on her lips.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out.. what's wrong with you? You been in a daze since I saw you.." She noticed studying his facial expression.

"Nothings wrong. I've been thinking." He replied easing the car up.

"About what?" She asked replying to a quick text message before locking her phone.

He sighed turning to her, "Us." She swallowed hard, she was afraid of what he was going to say.

"What about us?" She asked feeling her stomach tighten with fear, fear of rejection.

He readjusted in his seat and eased the car yup stopping at the window. Rose nervously tapped her nails against her cellphone waiting for him to get their food so they could finish the conversation.

"Here baby," He said handing her the lemonade she order along with her meal.

"Thanks," She said taking the cold drink from him and their meal. She was no longer hunger because she was too anxious. She placed the meal on the floor, and her drink in the cup holder waiting for him to pull off. He received his chocolate frosty then drove off.

They arrived to Roscoe's house. They got out with the food and went into the house together.

Rose led him to his bedroom. She placed the food on the dresser. She changed out of her cheering sweatsuit. She quickly changed into one of his shirts. She was going to shower after she ate. Roscoe watched her disappear into the bathroom. She washed her hands while Roscoe got dress for bed.

She returned and begun passing out the food.

"Here," She said with an unreadable facial expression planted on her face.

Roscoe grabbed her wrist catching her energy. He put the food to the side, he leaned forward grabbing her waist then pulled her on his lap.

She focused on her pink nails and patiently waited for him to speak.

"I want you to be mine.." He started off causing her eyes to light eyes and lift to his.

"But I want to make sure this is what you want," He commented. "Yes, we cheated but I'm not with the foolishness," He explained.

"Roscoe, you know how I feel about about you.  I want you.. I'm falling hard for you. And to be fair you are the first guy I cheated with ever in a relationship," She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.

"So you saying you'll be mine?" He asked feeling his heart rate speed up. Here she was popping yet another cheery. His first relationship.

She nodded with stray tears falling down her cheek, "Yes, I'm all yours." She smiled sealing it with a passionate kiss.

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