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Roscoe shook his head at Rose, she was in the middle of performing Billie Jean by Michael Jackson in front of the entire cafeteria. The day was Friday and it was the football first pre-season game. To end spirit week the school event board had Karaoke day.

Rose was beautiful, intelligent, but singing was not her cup of tea.

With a scrunched up face Roscoe watched Rose moonwalk across the cafeteria.

"Lord have mercy," He laughed lowly putting his head down in shame. The cafeteria laughter volume increased as students, tapped their friends asking if they saw the girl hit the legend dance move. While others cheered her on and recorded her on their cellphones.

"Thank you.. thank you very much," She bowed chuckling at the end of her performance. Rose smiled not caring what the haters thought of her. She thought the negative energy toward her was so unnecessary. She just wanted to live her best life with no regrets.

Roscoe disappeared out the cafeteria without being noticed when she was finished acting a fool. He was finished with all of his classes and his first shift was starting soon at the diner, he didn't want to be late especially on his first day.

"Hi," Roscoe spoke to Ms. Edna nervously once he arrived to the small diner that was always filled with people. He hated meeting new people, he hated people in general.

She smiled gently easing his nerves. "Hi, I wasn't expecting you for another ten minutes." She studied her watch to check the time. The effort he made to be early made a great first impression. The responsible action showed a lot about his character.

"Yea, I know. I didn't want to be late so here I am," He toyed with the bottom his red t-shirt he was wearing.

"Well, you're a dishwasher but your job is hourly meaning I no choice but to put you on a set schedule, unfortunately." She informed him asking about his availability. He told her he was willing to work everyday. He needed the money.

"Alright, perfect. Let me show you to your station," She smiled leading him to the back of the diner.

Roscoe first shift came and ended quickly which surprised him. When he was washing dishes it relaxed him. He no longer felt pressure on his shoulders, he felt lighter.

The cool crisp September wind hit him like a tone of bricks.

"Shit," He mumbled placing his hands in his thin coat. He was about to start his long walk to the hotel when he heard his name being called.

"ROSCOE!" Rose screamed louder than before. He turned back, she waved him over to her fathers Range she was driving. She drove to school today because of cheering. He sighed and jogged over to her. Shivering, he nodded saying wassup without speaking.

"Get in its too cold to walk," She ordered unlocking the door.

"Ro-" He begun to object.

"Get in," She repeated clearly not take no for an answer. He obeyed and opened the passenger door. She rolled his window up once he was settled inside the heated car.

"So how was your first day?" She wondered. He looked over at her, she was wearing black sweatpants with hoodie. Her natural black hair tied loosely in a bun revealing her beauty.

"Oh, I just left cheer practice so don't come at me," She smiled noticing he was taking her appearance.

He chuckled and shook his head, "You look better than you usually do," He joked laughing at his own joke. She smacked her lips and punched him playfully in his arm.

"I'm dead ass tho like this the first time I've seen Yo ass not lookin like a Starburst," He laughed harder.

"Roscoe," She whined pouting that he was really coming for her life.

"I'm sorry but it's true." He apologized. "But on the real.. you look really good," His chuckling died down as a bright smile appeared on her face.

She was pleased that he was finally growing comfortable around her. He was slowly but surely opening up without realizing it. With his head on the headrest he lazily looked over at her. She was smiling at his compliment but nervously played with her hands.

"Thank you," She replied lifting her eyes to his dark brown eyes.

"You hungry?" She questioned hoping he would say yes.

"You must be hungry," He pointed out noticing it in her voice.

"Yeah, cheering took a lot of my energy and i don't want to eat alone. Plus, I wanna know how your day went today." She explained.

"I'm down," He shrugged.

She smiled, "Yay!" She drove off until found a Waffle House. On the way there they held small conversation about nothing in particular.

They entered the restaurant together. He followed her to the back of the restaurant.

He side across her in the booth, "This is my favorite restaurant," She confessed already tasting the All Star Special.

He laughed at the ridiculous facial expression she was making thinking about food. He nodded noting the information she just shared.

"What about you? What's your favorite restaurant?" She asked placing her hands under her chin, giving him all of her attention.

He shrugged, "Anywhere who serves pizza," He replied causing her to laugh. He never cared about anything, it was crazy to her.

"Hi, I'm Amy. Can I start you two with a drink?" She questioned taking out her notepad.

Roscoe nodded motioning Rose to order hers first, "Lemonade, please." She smiled placing the menu to the side.

Amy turned to Roscoe, "A fruit punch." He ordered in his deep voice, that was intimidating to most.

Taken back Amy nodded and disappeared.

"So how was your day?" Rose asked folding her arms across the table.

He shrugged, "It was fine. The job is simple which is cool I guess," He answered studying the menu.

"I can't wait to work with you," She smirked.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "I forgot bout yo worrisome ass," He replied only to make her smile even harder.

"You'll grow to love me," She promised.

"I doubt it." He smiled.

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