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February 12th

Roscoe crossed his arms and waited outside at his car for Nia, Kiara, and Ryan. He told Ryan to tell the girls to meet him outside after school before their rehearsal. He checked his watch noticing they had a few more minutes to meet him before rehearsal.

Moments later, they finally came out holding a conversation amongst each other. Ryan spotted Roscoe and joined him with the girls.

"Thanks for coming.. I ain't trynna hold y'all long," Roscoe started off crossings his arms out of habit. "So as y'all know Rose birthday is in a couple of days. I'm throwing a little surprise dinner party. You can invite a few more of her other friends but we keeping it small. Also, her dad and I are going act as if we forgot it's her birthday and we would love for y'all to play along," Roscoe finished.

"My sis is going to be highly upset but I'm in," Ryann smiled placing his hands on his hip. He loved the idea of "forgetting" Rose birthday. He knew she was going to be upset but would be super happy afterwards.

"Same!" Kiara smiled listening to Roscoe tell them the location and time.

"Alright, thanks for helping me out." Roscoe said checking the time. He had to get to work in a few minutes.

"Thanks for including us!" Kiara smiled before walking off with Ryan after listening to all details for the event.

Roscoe went over to the driver seat when Nia spoke up.

"You know what you're doing is really nice for Rose." He opened the door to his car and placed his hands on the hood of his car.

"What you getting at girl?" He asked uninterested. He knew of Nia and she was know for drama. They had a few classes together in high school but never spoken much. But recently, she's been all on his case.

Nia didn't know if it was the recent weight loss or if Rose having him made him more attractive than usual. She didn't want to leave him alone, she wanted to get to know him personally.

"It's just she doesn't appreciate you. You need someone who will," Roscoe sighed rubbing his jaw. This conversation was heading into the wrong direction.

"Listen.. let's not do this. Okay," Roscoe said to the attractive girl who favored Cardi B. Her hair was dark hair pinned in a ponytail which showed of her features. She was wearing a pink Nike jacket, with a black fitted sports bra underneath, and black fitted spandex which showed off her curves.

"You crossing too many lines. Rose is my girlfriend and your supposed to be friend. We having nothing to talk about," He said hearing the schools door close.


Right on time Rose was coming toward them. When Kiara returned to the gym she noticed Nia stayed behind and thought her close friend should know.

"Lordy," Roscoe mumbled noticing the expression on Rose face.

She had questions.

"Am I missing something?" She asked looking between Roscoe and Nia. Roscoe simply looked over at Nia waiting for an answer, he knew Rose was going to question him privately anyways.

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