twentyfive 。

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he didn't want to see anyone or even leave the house. he just felt like crap. since everything happened with the two males a week ago, yoongi hasn't spoken to anyone and hasn't even been on social media. he has ignored all texts and calls, he even turned off his phone. when someone came to his house, he didn't answer. he just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with drying tears that soon became wet again because of freshly shed tears.

he hated life right now, and usually when he feels down he'd write a song or rap of how he's feeling so that he can get his feelings out. he doesn't even have the energy to do that. he's just truly distraught.

he sighed loudly, running his fingers through his greasy hair ; as he hadn't washed it since a week ago. he can't mope around forever, he has to do something, he can't just lie there hoping for every single one of his problems fade away. because, sadly, life just doesn't work like that.

he turned his head to look in the direction of the unused paper stacked on his desk with pens and pencils next to them. he needs to do something...

so with whatever will power he could gather, he stood up and walked over to his desk, sitting down in his chair and rolling it towards the table. he gripped a pen in his hands, then reaching over to grab his stack if papers and wrote down his feelings.

after a few hours, he scanned the paper and looked over the words. it looked good, just a few touch-ups and a beat and he'll be complete and ready to go. maybe i should release an album...? yeah, i'll do that.

so that's what yoongi decided to focus on to get his mind away from his feelings and the couple that completely wrecked his heart.

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