eight 。

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taehyung let out a shaky breath, it visible in the cold air of december. he shoved his hands further into his pocket, looking down as he walked slowly to jeongguk's hotel. taehyung had moved to la after his encounter with jeongguk and lisa, he was an aspiring gucci model at the time, and his dream surely did come true.

so when jeongguk came to la, and asked him why he cheated, he finally had a reason to meet him. he knew jeongguk probably wouldn't believe him ; it's his ex's word against his girlfriend's. who do you think jeongguk is going to believe? obviously his girlfriend.

he sighed as he finally got inside the hotel reception, going up to the receptionist and smiling. "i'm here to see jeon jeongguk? could you tell me which room he is in?"

the receptionist looked up at taehyung, ready to tell him to leave - thinking he was another crazed fan - before realising that he was the kim taehyung. her eyes widened as she stood up, her mouth agape.

"oh, mr kim taehyung! yes, mr jeon is in room B300, the presidential suite on the very last floor." she replied in a rush, her cheeks flushing red.

taehyung smiled, letting out a breathy chuckle. "thank you..." he looked at her name tag. "claire. it was nice to meet you." he winked as he walked away, leaving claire with heavy breathing and a flushed face.

he chuckled as he walked to the elevator, pressing the button and waiting, then climbing in and pressing the top floor. wow, 12 floors? jinjja? he shook his head before resting on one of the walls as the elevator took him up. he kept thinking how easy he is to notice in la, even that woman at the reception noticed him. he used to hear "every asian dude looks the same" , "you'll never become a model because someone will mistake you for someone else on the street" , "you look like a girl". that was what he constantly heard, day after day, from his colleagues, the owner of gucci, just the general public always said he looked too much like a girl. well guess what, bitch, he's got billions of dollars with a mansion and what the fuck do you have? a non existing career.

he chuckled at his thoughts, just as the elevator dinged and opened it's doors to the twelfth floor. he stepped out, only three doors were on the floor, two on one side, and only one on the other. he guessed it was the one. he walked up to the door, checking the number.

"B300." he muttered, smiling as he knocked on the door, clearing his throat. he waited as he looked around the hall. it was beautiful. very pristine. white marble, a modern looking chandelier, some weird pictures framed that were apparently called "art". and the fact that the hotel was on the edge of the ocean, just made it even more beautiful. even though it was december, it would still look beautiful.

he was broken out of his trance as he heard the door open, he turned back to look at the door. "taehyung?"

the picture at the top is jeongguk's hotel room.
taehyung's penthouse will be on the next.

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