C H A P T E R T H I R T Y - F I V E

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It was official. Since the break that Emilia and I had shared I had been unable to get back into concentration mode. This current roadblock in my studies was becoming more and more of a problem as time moved on.

Elle was coming to see me tomorrow for the first time in weeks and I knew I'd have no work done when she arrived. It was the sole reason that my attempts were so apparent now to try and get something done but my efforts were futile.

I was stuck.

A knock on my door drew my head away from my distracting breakdown. I walked over to the door and opened it, "Noah? What are you doing here" I asked ensuring that he could hear my confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked clearly confused,

"I mean why are you here, in my block, outside my room, knocking on my door?" I clarified,

"You text me asking to come and help you with your essay?" He asked sounding genuinely confused as I shook my head, "actually I did the exact opposite because I knew you were busy?" I replied.

"Then who sent this?" He asked as he pulled out his phone and showed me our conversation. My mouth opened in shock as I clearly saw a text from me saying: hey Noah, hope you're not too busy with exams but I could really use your help and knowledge with my coursework :)

I looked up at Noah and shook my head as I said, "that wasn't me" and continued to read.

Noah had replied with: of course. I'm never too busy for Miss Thomas, shall I meet you now? :)

I contained the blush I could feel burning on my cheeks as I read the penultimate message: I can't right now, later in my room if you can?

I shook my head, this was madness. This conversation had never gone on!

That's absolutely fine, he had replied.

"Noah I can promise you that wasn't me. I have no idea wh-" I stopped mid sentence.

I knew exactly who it was.

That little, deceiving snake.

"Emilia" I sighed out, "I was complaining earlier to her about my essay and some things that were crashing in my head and she told me I should ask you for the help but I refused because I know you're busy and then she asked for my phone, and I went to the toilet and then there was Kane and I completely forgot she'd even used it" I rambled as I smacked my hand onto my head.

"Ahh I see what's happened" Noah said chuckling and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Sorry for your wasted journey" I apologised.

"Well do you still need help?" He asked tilting his head slightly, I scoffed, "Do I? I'm currently facing a mental roadblock".

He chuckled again, "then this wasn't a wasted journey I can still help". He put on a slight smile as I quickly exclaimed, "oh no! Noah it's okay your busy and I know that-"

"Juliet" he interrupted, "I've already said I have the time, so let me in".

I nodded, opened up the door and mumbled out, "thanks Noah".

As he walked past me he stopped and shot me his most devilish smirk, "anytime Miss Thomas" he replied with a wink.

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