C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T W O

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"So you guys are signing up then?" Noah asked as he stepped back to grab the clipboard. "Where do I sign?" Emilia teased as she scribbled on the clipboard.

"Juliet?" Noah asked handing the clipboard to me. I nodded and took the board from him as our fingers brushed together and our eyes immediately darted to each other's.

I quickly scribbled down my name and phone number and shouted a goodbye to Noah as I grabbed Emilia by the arm and left.

"Woah!" Emilia called as I wove us between the other students. I only stopped when we arrived opposite the movie society.

"What caused you to run like that?" Emilia asked, "just didn't want to leave Lars and Genji waiting" I replied innocently.

However they were not at the stand and had to wait another 10 minutes before Lars got there and 15 for Genji.

We signed our names up immediately, definitely in no need to be convinced to join and made our way back to our block.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about starting our classes properly from Monday and we all came to the universal agreement that we weren't ready to be students yet.

Once the others had left I went up to my room to shower and try to ignore the unfinished boxes in the corner of my room; I had procrastinated doing them for so long that I decided the best solution was to ignore them altogether.

I had a shower and threw on a black pair of jogging bottoms, a white vest and did my wet hair up in a bun. I fell onto the bed and began searching my TV for something to watch as my phone notification sounded.

I turned over to read the text and saw it was from an unsaved number: it's noah, I'm outside

I read the message once, twice and thrice for good measure: what are you doing here?! I asked.

I wanted to talk to you, come out he said and I immediately didn't want to go.

What if I say no? I tested,

Then I'm coming in.

I sighed in annoyance and got up from my bed and threw on my trainers. I made my way out my room and down the stairs into the cold, early evening air.

"Noah?" I called unable to see him.

"Right here" he called from behind me as I watched him lean off of the wall. "You ok?" He asked.

I nodded, "what did you want to talk about Noah?" I prodded.

He sighed gently, "I feel like we're always ending on bad terms and I wanted to try and make up for what happened" he said.

"There's always the option of apologising?" I teased with a smile, he smiled back as he said, "there's no fun in that".

"I wanted to offer a mutual compromise" he suggested as he began to walk and I followed suit.

"Here me out" he started, "as you rejected my offer for dinner I-", I didn't let him finish as I interrupted saying, "I didn't reject it Noah",

"Either way you said no. So I was thinking I could take Genji" he said.

I smiled at Noah and said, "that sounds like a great idea or compromise".

"That's not all there is to it Juliet" he continued, "I want you to go out with me and I'll take Genji".

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