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Kenna's all too recognisable voice filtered into my ear as she said, "fourth is out front for you".

I held the button down and replied, "yippee" which was dripping with sarcasm.

I made my way down the same corridor for what was the 7th time this evening.

The 4x4 was again parked outside as I waited for the doors to open.

His hair was a light brown shade with eyes that were beautifully green. He was wearing a half smile along with the usual black suit that was fitted tight around his broad shoulders.

"Everett Scott?" I called to the serious man candy in front of me.

"Is the name I was given" he said with an Australian accent and then smiled.

I smiled back as I replied, "Hey I'm Juliet. Let's go shall we".

We walked down the corridor that was becoming too familiar to me for my own good.

We made it to the room and like every other, par Ezra, he took a seat on the brown, leather sofa.

"Auctioning off an Aussie? Ashleigh is going all out" I said to the Australian on the sofa.

He chuckled and nodded, "she leaves no continent unturned".

We laughed together over the topic. I leant against the wall and let out a little sigh.

"Are you alright?" Everett asked looking at me with a sly smirk. "It's just been a hell of an evening" I replied.

"It's over soon though" I continued as Everett said in response, "my freedom will be over soon".

"It's for a good cause?" I questioned. He chuckled once again as he answered, "a good cause from a threatening woman".

He shuddered slightly whilst he seemed to be remembering something. "I've heard many allegations this evening over the personality traits possessed by Ashleigh" I commented.

Everett nodded and laughed, "she's one scary woman but that's Ashleigh James for you".

"So Juliet, tell me why you're here this evening" he said lounging an arm across the top of the sofa.

"Other than to work for free?" I replied sassily, "Well apparently it's a first years 'rite of passage'" I said using my fingers to emphasis the quotation marks.

"You're a first year?" Everett questioned sitting forward.

I nodded as he continued, "you seem really sure of the venue and everything".

I chuckled lightly and replied, "that's because I've been back and forth through that corridor all evening so we can round it off at about a million times"

"Explains a lot" he said laughing, "well you fooled me, I'm a third year and still unsure of the place".

"Ahh so your graduation party is your incentive?" I asked looking at Everett.

"Actually I'm in medicine so I have another year of my course and then I'm on a work placement" he said.

"Oh" I said with scrunched eyebrows.

"But Ashleigh and I go way back, so she called in a favour I suppose" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah she's been doing a lot of that this evening" I muttered.

"Juliet, it's almost time" Kenna called into my ear.

"Destiny awaits" I said to Everett as I pushed myself off of the wall.

I opened up the door as Ashleigh's voice could be heard echoing down the hall, "ladies and gents let's hear it for our Exchange student from down under Everett Scott".

"I didn't know you were an exchange student?" I questioned as Everett stepped up to the door.

He shook his head and smiled, "I'm not but I think Ashleigh wishes I was".

I laughed as he took one step through the door and paused. Cheering and whistling could be heard as he turned back to me and asked, "do you think they'll eat me alive?".

I giggled and answered, "I think you'll be good if you keep your clothes on". He shook his head and smiled, "if I make it out of this I hope to see you around Juliet".

"Only if you make it out alive" I teased,

"I'll hold you to that" he said walking towards the whooping and applause.

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