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Sunlight. Bloody sunlight.

I woke up via the same stream of sunlight through my curtains that had woken me up yesterday. The only difference? The intense mental combustion I could feel in my head.

I could feel my brain pulsating and my eyes and blood burning upon finding consciousness and waking up. "Hangovers" I muttered grumpily.

Dad told me the only cure to a hangover was a full English breakfast with something banana flavoured incorporated somewhere. Without the necessary 'medications' I ran to the bathroom to change.

I showered, brushed my hair and teeth, threw on jeans and a jumper, grabbed my phone and purse and left.

It was quite early into the morning and so the university campus was eerily quiet. Leaving the gates and waking to the nearest cafe, I was reminiscing about the journey home with Noah.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" I asked as we walked out the front of the house, "haven't you been drinking too?".

"I have a project due in a couple of days so I can't have a hangover to do it, I've only been drinking juice" he replied.

"Oh right" I mumbled as we walked over to his car. I went to open the door but Noah's hand clasped over mine and did it instead, "that was unnecessary" I said.

"Unnecessary to you" he retaliated, "necessary to me. Everyone has a different opinion".

The smirk on his face was indistinguishable as I shook my head at the use of my words. "Alright smart arse" I commented.

He chuckled as I slid in and he closed the door. He started up the car and asked me, "which campus?",

"Atlas" I said as he began to drive. The silence was slightly awkward as I fiddled with my fingers in my lap.

"So what project are you doing?" I asked trying to revive the conversation so we did not drown in silence. "It's called project V" he stated.

"I haven't even asked sorry" I blurted out quickly, "what degree are you doing?".

He laughed, "I haven't even asked you but I'm doing physics. What's yours?".

"It's history" I said smiling. "A historian" he repeated, "A physicist" I replied.

"I shouldn't have clownified your reasons " Noah said into the silence that had been brought back. I nodded as we pulled up to the campus.

I tapped the desktop of the car and smiled, "apology accepted" I said. He smiled at me as I went to open the door. "Wouldn't apologising have been easier than driving me home?" I questioned.

"I don't usually say sorry as I'm not usually, truly sorry. I don't think people are really ever sorry because the thought was or at least crossed their mind. I was obviously thinking it so I said it, lying and not saying anything I find to be much worse" he said and earned a nod in response from me.

I opened the door and swung my leg out, Noah's hand grasped my wrist as he said further, "that and I wanted to drive you home".

"Much appreciated Mr James" I said fully stepping out the car and closing the door, "anytime Miss.." he paused waiting for something.

"Thomas" I answered,

"Anytime Miss Thomas"
"Can I have the Set 1 with everything on it" I said to the waitress, "and a banana smoothie please".

She wrote my order down on her notepad, nodded at me and said, "coming right up".

I pulled out my phone and text my Dad: guess who just ordered a full English and a banana smoothie.

I didn't wait too long for Dad's reply: so someone is slightly hungover?

I giggled to myself as I typed out my response to him: like you wouldn't believe.

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