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Cobwebs filled the walls as spiders of all sizes hung lowly. I'm sure anyone with even the slightest of spider fears would be sweating buckets currently.

I stepped past them, unbothered by their mechanical moving legs and pincers. The cobwebs were slightly irritating as they tangled into my hair easily and due to the rather generous use of them as decor - they were getting everywhere.

I pushed and swatted the decor as I stepped across the room and made it to the next door. My nerves had slightly settled and I was feeling less on edge then I had been stepping in here.

The next door was swung open like the last and was lit with an eery blue light. Plastic graves adorned the floor as shadows of ghosts zoomed across the walls.

Smoke, like the beginning, disguised the graves and gave it a more chilling feel. I stepped carefully between the graves, not to knock one over, as the smoke was making it harder to see them.

Something gripped my ankle and caused me to jump back in surprise and an 'eek' squeezed from my throat. Stepping back in alarm a pale creature fell out of the wall and caused me to let out a full shriek.

Upon stepping away I recognised its zombie complexion and mechanical arms. My heart was being put through its paces and it brought a smile to my face.

It's mechanical features were less frightening from far away but had made me jump none the less and it earned spook points for that.

The house was appearing less and less threatening to me and I was hoping that there was not long left to go. I wasn't in the same petrified mood that I had walked in with and that felt like a good thing.

I heard a loud shriek in the distance and immediately thought of Kayla. Had something scared her? What if Noah thought it was me? I shook my head. I'd said I'd scream his name in any case.

I wrapped my fingers around the third door for this evening and opened it as fast as I had the others, keeping it consistent of course.

The room was dark as I had the door opened but as it closed a single spotlight lit up in the room onto a china dolls face. It then switched off and proceeded to highlight another similar looking but different doll.

I watched the light do this about 4 times as I followed the light each time to a new dolls face. To say the dolls faces were creepy was an understatement, it was like Annabelle reincarnate.

I stepped away from the walls, assuming that's what they were all perched on and tried to avoid them at all costs. I had to walk slowly in the room as I could feel things on the floor.

A bell made me stop in alarm and I realised I had stood on a part of the floor that had rung the bell. The light didn't flash for another ten seconds worrying me that it had broken for a minute.

Previously it had been on and off every second so to see the light once more seconds later was much appreciated. What wasn't appreciated was realising how the light was shining into my face. I stepped slightly to the left as the light didn't follow me and I realised it was illuminating whatever had been behind me.

I turned and the dolls face caused my heart to seize up - a clown.

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