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I was currently standing outside of a house with thumping music, teens strewn across the lawn, littered red cups and a disruption of the peace police warning waiting to happen.

Elle had text me earlier checking that I was going to the party and was rather surprised when I told her I still was, in all honesty I had surprised myself.

I walked up the pathway and opened up the large, heavy white door and was immediately hit in the face with heat and even louder music. Walking through the hallway there were bodies pressed up, lined up and packed up together that made walking a much harder task.

The feeling of uncomfortability had hit me clear in the face as I now stood in the kitchen watching about every other person socialize. The realisation that I was most probably the only first year at this party made me feel like I stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the second, third and fourth years. I leant up against the counter drinking my lemonade peacefully and alone.

Technically Elle had never said that I had to mingle. All I had to do was take some pictures then get out as quickly as possible - that's the plan.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the array of alcoholic beverages that were lined up next to me.

"I'm hoping the reason for taking a picture of those drinks is that you are a drink connoisseur" a deep voice asked from behind me.

I turned to meet the hazel, eyed familiar gaze of Ezra. "I saw an almost direct line bee line for the drinks table" he commented further.

"You watched me come in?" I questioned and laughed, trying to conceal my phone in my back pocket.

"Yes but that's besides the point" he said. I stood up straighter as I answered with fake confidence, "well, as a matter of fact, I am quite the drink connoisseur".

Ezra leant against the door framed with a small smile, "you can do one of two things right now Juliet" he started, "one you can make me an awesome drink or two you can tell me the truth".

A winning look grew on Ezra's face as I looked at him, the drinks table and then back at Ezra. "Okay maybe I'm not a drinks connoisseur" I muttered.

"Now we're getting somewhere" he joked making me fold my arms across my chest. "I'm just meant to be having fun".

"Having fun is capturing pictures of drinks?" He questioned with the same smile embedded into his face. "Of course not but it's a trick" I replied.

"A trick?" He batted back. I let out a slightly agitated sigh as I said, "it's a long story".

Ezra rose up from the door frame and walked over to me grabbing a beer from behind me, "Juliet we have all evening for you to tell me about this trick".

He grabbed another beer as he gestured for me to follow him. "Do tell me more" he prodded as we wove between the people.

"Long story short" I shouted over the music, "my best friend told me I don't know how to have fun and by going to this party I'm showing her that I do".

"And you don't think taking pictures of drinks defeats the purpose of having actual fun?" He asked. I pondered over his question for a moment as I muttered out a 'maybe' in reply.

"Let's get you some fun then" he said with a smile. "Ashleigh!" He shouted in front of us and as I looked past him, standing there in all her straight haired, blonde haired glory was Ashleigh.

"Juliet!" She squealed upon turning around and running over to us. She wrapped me with her arms once again as I struggled to breathe and wheezed out a 'hey'.

"Juliet here is looking for some fun" Ezra commented as he walked next to Ashleigh and kissed the side of her head. She smirked evilly my way as she whispered, "let's get the party started".

Before I could protest Ashleigh screamed, "shots!" and everyone cheered along with her.

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