What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part II...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences for Laszlo when he takes on a new human familiar...

Part II...

About two am...

Outside the "Most hoppin' club on Staten Island"...

"Well..." Laszlo, brushing his hat and replacing it, shrugs to the documentary team camera... "That was a bit of a disappointment, though somewhat interesting. I'd no idea modern music had gotten so melancholy...Or loud. Last time I really tried to 'get with' modern, the songs were rather happy and light. Now it all seems to be about how preferable death is over life and love turned to ashes, with the sound deafening. Bit of a downer... What is bothering people these days so? Maybe it's just I've lived long enough to see so many changes...After all, in my day, people starved in the streets or dropped dead of leprosy or cholera in the streets or were robbed and left for dead by the starving or ill people, in the streets. Which really stank of horse manure and piss, by the way. I say, enjoy what you've achieved, Humanity. And, no, I did not find a suitable candidate for familiar tonight, obviously. The ladies in attendance being not quite to my taste...Not only rather bitter bloodwise but rather...'Skanky'? Is that the word? Yes... 'Skanky'."

Flashback to inside the club about two hours ago...

"Hello, I'm Laszlo..." Laszlo, standing at the bar amongst a large crowd, awaiting his order, a Bloody Mary, to the bartender's puzzled shrug, smiling at a woman in her late twenties, in rather revealing dress, who eyed him with cool disdain.

"What are you dressed up for?" she asked, eyeing him up and down.

"Oh, just out on the..." he stared as she walked away to proposition a tall, well-built fellow in open shirt and gold chains, laughing loudly at his replies.

"Now that was rude..." he frowned. Watching the woman go off with the other man...The man putting his hand on her rear as they went out on the relatively small and rather crowded dance floor.

"Nice costume, dude..." a young man in open gold lame shirt with chains passed him, signaling the bartender, a tall, athletic male in black shirt and pants.

"Thank you. Yours, too." Laszlo noted.

Hmmn... "Seems rather difficult to carry on a conversation with this noise..." he noted to the camera. "Rather wish the others had come...Though probably not Nadja. She gets a bit jealous when I'm around so many human women. You know, I think she was even jealous of poor Milly back in the day. Of course at that time, I'd known Milly much longer than her..."

Cut to Nadja in (more or less) living room, on couch... "Yes... Milly. That bitch." Grim tone. "Always flirting with Laszlo, her employer...No sense of propriety. A real slut, in my opinion... I'm sure she was expecting him to marry her, even trying to seduce him and get her pregnant. Of course in those days, Laszlo was a total innocent, always writing and occasionally speaking about social issues and uplifting the worker, a bit of a radical...I did like him for that, he was quite sincere in wanting to better the lot of poor people. Just not very effective, you know? But Milly was taking him for a ride, as they say? She wanted a rich...Relatively so...Husband and to advance in the world, I could see that. I mean when I was spying on them at night after I'd heard him speak at a meeting and decided I fancied him. But what he didn't know, being innocent Laszlo, was that she was involved with other men, in the village...In the city when she went on errands...In the country where her 'ill mother'... Making air quotes...lived when she 'visited' her. A total slut...I knew it just from looking at the way she cozied up to him, her employer. And I followed her around and saw the rest. Total slut. He was lucky she didn't get pregnant and blame it on him. Though I suppose she was fond of him in a way. There were richer men at hand..." sigh. "He was very charming..." fond smile.

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