Chapter 9: Approaching enemy and Research

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  • Đã dành riêng cho Cyrill Garcia







Third person’s POV

Somewhere deep inside an unknown forest, lies a hidden mansion that has a lot of rooms with a lot of test tubes with different chemicals and vials that holds a lot of different species, even some of this species are unknown to the world.

One of the rooms, which is the biggest and most secretive of them all, has the biggest vial that is connected in some weird machine in the middle of the room. Also a lot of screens and a lot of very advance machines are found.

Inside that room stands a man with a darkest blue hair, wears a lab goggles and a lab gown.

He is currently in the process of making an experiment when a little black cloud appeared inside the biggest container in the middle of the room. The black cloud became a little bigger and thicker, then little yet deadly lightings are seen. The said man grinned at his creation. He lifted up his goggles to reveal fuchsia eyes that are starting to turn blue.

“Hmmm, success…like the others” the said man then notice something on one of his monitor, seems like an intruder. This intruder has long black hair, pale skin, and eyes that resembled a snake.

“It’s you again” said in disgust while shaking his head from side to side slowly.

He pushed a button and his door to his room opened, then the intruder came in with a creepy smile.

“And how’d you found out my hide-out AGAIN… OROCHIMARU?” the man said to the intruder, which is Orochimaru.

Orochimaru chuckled, only for the man’s distaste for him.

“I’m fine. Thank you…heheheh!”

“Tsk! Now what do you want?” the man said as he cross his arms and leaned on the wall.

Orochimaru opened his mouth but was stopped as he saw the thick black clouds with deadly lightnings. He walked to the container an eyed it hungrily.

“Is this your new experiment?” Orochimaru said but only got a grunt as a response.

“What does this do? Shower your garden? HAHAHA!” he said, making the mysterious man narrow his now red eyes.

“No you fool, when that cloud mixes with a true clouds, it will affect its surroundings and make a storm that will leave even the strongest village to its destruction” the man hissed.

Orochimaru tined to face the man and smiled evily to him.

“Even the strongest? Well, that’s what I came for. To seek help in destroying this certain village, and this experiment of yours might be the right tool that I need.” He stated.

The mysterious man lifted his eyebrow in interest.

“And what village is this?” the man asked.

“Hmmm….KONOHA” Orochimaru answered.

The man had smiled because Orochimaru had really picked his interest.

“Konoha…? What an interesting village that you’ve picked“ he became silent for a while to decide if he’ll accept the deal or not, but he knew the answer immediately so arguing this by himself is only useless.

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