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NAME: Loren Giura

AGE: 17 yrs. Old


FATHER: Rikyo Giura

            Head of the non-existent legendary clan.

MOTHER: Chouwa Giura

            One of the strongest women in the Giura Clan

CLAN’S CREST: A blue 4 leaf clover.

LIKES: Roses, Guitar, Weapons, Children (She is not a Pedo! I repeat! SHE. IS. NOT. A. PEDO! It’s just a Mother instinct that she inherited to her Father, that’s right. FATHER),

DISLIKES: Ugly traits of a human being. And . . . . . . . Him

DREAM OR AMBITION: To punish or eliminate a certain person.

NINJUTSU: unknown

GENJUTSU: unknown


APPEARANCE: Knee length black hair. She has fuchsia eyes that changes colour: blue is when her positive emotions were heightened and red is when her negative emotions were heightened. Her height is the same as Sakura. Always wear a short, sleeveless, white kimono that has a metal ninja net underneath it. Wears a pair of blue short and black ninja leggings. When she is prepared to fight, she wears elbow length black fingerless gloves.

ATTITUDE:  sometimes emotionless, arrogant, serious, sometimes cheerful, childish, sweet, has a mother instinct, kind, mature, understanding, she can be also classified as a bipolar, carefree, lazy, but when she is needed, she is always there to support or help.


 MINGOBUN= Allows her to copy any jutsu’s and Kekkai Genkai. Only she has this Kekkai Genkai on her Clan for she is considered as the ______________ (A/N: that is still a secret!)

KAORA= Allows her to perform any jutsu’s without any hand seals.

AMETSUCHI=allows her to control the 4 elements: the fire, water, earth, and wind. She can also control lightning but their clan had classified it under the fire category.

And the other one is that she can communicate telepathically but she doesn’t know what that is called. But later on she will personally name it as “Ishindenshin”

Even though she is this powerful, there is a seal on her body that is acting up to cut or limit her power/chakra.

A blue round crystal with a little tattoo on its side, it is embedded on her left chest just in front of her heart. She can adjust the crystal to adjust her power/chakra. If she removed the crystal, her suppressed powerful chakra will appear but afterwards her body will receive a great toll such as pain, fatigue or even losing consciousness in a couple of days. And every time she removes it, her lifespan decreases. But her remaining lifespan will be constant, even if she’ll remove her crystal, once she comes to her mature age: 20 years old.






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