Chapter 22: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 2

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Third person’s POV

One of Loren’s replicas landed in front of the ever composed Itachi. She eyed the man up and down, and when her eyes landed on his cold ones, a chill came running down her spine. She couldn’t pinpoint it but something is off with the man in front of her. It’s like he is hiding a very mysterious and heavy secret, it’s like behind those eyes is something that she didn’t want to know, and behind those cold Sharingan eyes of his is someone who is carrying a big burden on his back.

Just like her other self. That’s right, he reminded her of her other self that is sleeping in the depths of her heart, waiting for the right time to reveal herself once again and explode, it’s like she is a walking bomb that will explode after the last tick.

“You know, you reminded me of my other self. Emotionless yet mysterious” Loren blurted.

The said man only arched his eyebrow as he eyed the weak looking girl.

‘Why does the leader want her? What is special about her? I could only sense a very low chakra to her that it’s almost non-existent. Or-‘but Loren suddenly interrupted.

“Or I can hide my chakra very well” she said, purposely continuing his train of thought.

Itachi was internally surprise but he didn’t let it slip in his façade. But the fact that she continued his thought is something, something to worry about.

‘Can this girl read my mind?’ he thought as he narrowed his calculating eyes. ‘No, I shouldn’t immediately come up with that conclusion. She still hadn’t lifted up her hands in a seal but she might have done the jutsu before she confronted me. But why didn’t I see some changes in her chakra with my Sharingan?’

“First, I did read your mind. Second, don’t be confused if you hadn’t notice any changes in my chakra with your Sharingan. It’s because my mind reading technique is categorized in the one that the Sharingan can’t copy” she informed.

Itachi frowned, immediately comprehending what she had meant. Yes, a technique that the Sharingan can’t copy.

‘Kekkai Genkai’ Itachi mentally voiced.

“That’s right!” she chirped as she clasped her hands under her chin and a smile plastered on her lips.

“Stop reading my mind” he lowly growled, building a chakra on his head to block her out of his mind.

Loren lifted her hands in the air, indicating that she give up.

“Okay! Okay! Fine!” then she crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted. “Sheesh!”

Silence filled the air between them, no one making a move to attack that is until they heard Hidan, who is only a meters away from them, shouting at Kakuzu for slamming at him.

“Oookaaay… I guess we have to fight…right?” Loren queried.

Itachi nodded, his left foot stepping backward and knees bending down. He will fight seriously and he won’t underestimate his opponent, besides, Pein wouldn’t want her if she is not special. And also, in the world of shinobi there is always someone who’s younger than him but stronger than him. That he will admit, but he still hadn’t encountered that himself. Perhaps his younger brother will be more powerful than him in the future and will finally come after him.

Itachi examined the girl, reminding him more of his little brother. 

‘They must have been of the same age’ he thought.

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