Chapter 19: Confrontation

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“You. Why do you possess the rarest eye colour?” he asked in a low and dangerous voice. My smirk turned into a grin.

“You should know very well whose clan has this rare eye colour, where I came from. Isn’t that right . . . former guardian of the Giura clan, white Serpent. Also known as Ryo, the leader of the South part of the Paradise Island”

Loren’s POV

He hissed and glared at me. He leaned back, protruded his . . . snaky tongue and drastically waved it in front of him.

“Are you claiming yoursssself as one of the Legendary Giura? Asss far asss I know, there are only two remaining Giura alive . . . if you are one of those two, which one are you?”

I narrowed my eyes as I remembered who the other Giura his referring to.

‘Shirahama Giura, the most intelligent person in the Giura clan, also the one who killed them’ I mentally spat as I lowered my head to hide my face as it darkens ‘My wretched uncle’ I continued. Heartbreaking memories passed through, I immediately disperse them as I need to focus on what is in front of me. I felt my eyes sting and grabbed this chance to show him a little proof of my identity.

“First, here is a little proof that I’m a Giura” I begun as I straighten my gaze and directed it with hisset of gold eyes.

“Hmmmm . . . so you really are a Giura, interesting. And?” he responded as his left white eyebrow elegantly arched.

I closed my eyes to calm myself down, once I did, I opened them again and they’re back to their fuchsia colour, only, they are masked with hardness and superiority. I’ll show him, I’ll show him whose he’s in front of.

“I am Loren, daughter of Rikyo Giura, who is known as the last head of the Land of Blue Clover. I am also the daughter of Chouwa Giura, who belongs to a family of respected Giura nobles. I am also the renowned prodigy of that clan and currently the possessor of the title The Chosen One, who is rumoured to be the one who is chosen by the Gods themselves” I revealed with a strong and unmovable determination casted on my voice.

He leaned back and blinked several times with his mouth slightly open.

“You say you are . . . the current . . . Chosen One?” he gaped as he is trying to process the information that I just and suddenly threw.

“Yes. I am. And with that, I am also considered you’re third master” I informed.

Silence filled the air, both our mouths completely shut. His from surprise while mine from anticipation, which I barely hid. I could practically hear the flap of the birds’ wings, the song of the cicadas, and the little noises that the small animals produced. I shifted my gaze in our surroundings, trying to find something useful to entertain me and forget the awkwardness that suddenly appeared. Is that really surprising to him that the third Chosen one has appeared in front of him? He should be expecting this to happen anytime, for the Chosen one always seems to appear in a random time.

“I need an evidence” he suddenly demanded that caught my attention and stare back at him.

“Evidence?” I repeated, confuse laced through my voice.

“Yesss, evidence that you are who you claim to be. Just to make sure because I don’t want to be tricked yet again”

I frowned at his last remark but shrugged it off, I’ll just find it out later after this is all over. I laid my hands on my hips and think of a way that can prove my identity, until a certain weapon came through my mind. I smirked. I snapped my head in the air to face him.

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