Chapter 11: Life and precious ones

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Haha!! I’ll be a meanie for this chapter!!

But everything happens for a REASON!!

Anyways! ENJOY!!



While walking on the way home, I can’t stop thinking about what happened earlier.

‘What if they’ll get suspicious?’ I frowned at that thought. A lot of ‘What if’s’ kept popping in my head until I got to my own conclusion.

“Well, I still have HER as my back up” I whispered while staring at the now dark sky.

Then the library caught my attention and I can’t help the smile crept at my face.

‘Thank you. You helped me a lot’ I thought, thanking no one in particular.

My thoughts wondered off with my almost complete venom ingredients when I bumped into someone with a post like body.

“Ugh!” I grunted. I lose my balance so my butt met the hard ground. I looked up to glare at the man who bumped me, or I bumped. Teehee!

The man with a thick eyebrow looked down in a daze before blinking, registering what just happened.

“Oh..Sorry. I didn’t notice you” he said while helping me stand up. I patted my butt and examined the man.

Like I said before, he has a thick eyebrow, a bowl shape hair that passes his shoulder, he wears a green jumpsuit, orange leg warmers, and a red forehead protector worn as a belt and a chounin vest. He also had dark, dull eyes full of longingness and sadness.

“It’s okay…I too hadn’t notice you” I finally said.

He smiled weakly and walked away slowly.

‘Is he depress? looks like it to me’ I thought.

“HEY! LEE!” someone yelled that caught mine and the person with thick eyebrows attention.

‘So Lee’s his name’ I wandered.

The girl with hair in Chinese-style buns on either side of her head with short fringe-bangs falling over her brown forehead protector which she wears in a traditional manner, she wears a long-sleeved white blouse with a high collar and red fastener and edges paired with similarly coloured, puffy pants that look like a hakama, with the exposed parts of her legs near the waist covered in bandages, brown fingerless gloves, a black, open-toed shinobi sandals with low heels, and the shoes extend to the lower ankles. She holds a giant scroll that is strapped in her back.

She marched at his direction. They are not too far so I can still hear their conversation.

“Lee, you missed training again. Where did you go this time!? The girl demanded.

“Sorry Tenten. I just do not have the mood to train for now” he answered like he really meant to yet not.

“Seriously!? What do you think Gai-sensei would say if he’s-“

“Tenten!” someone interrupted. Then a man that has noticeably long, black hair, his pupiless eyes are depicted with a slight tint of lavender to them appeared.

‘Byakugan…so he’s a Hyuga’ I wondered in interest.

“Ugh…Neji, he has to snap out of it you know! He has to get over it!” The girl whom I now know as Tenten said to the Hyuga or Neji while pointing at Lee, who’s even more depressed than before.

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