Chapter 24: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 4

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Third person’s POV

The red and black Itachi’s frowned when Loren closed her eyes and mumbled something indistinct to their ears.

‘She said something about plan. But nothing can be done when you are already caught in my Genjustu’ he thought.

Then, one of him took a step forward and readied his katana with an intention of stabbing her.

Just as the tip of the katana pierce her upper left hand, she suddenly called him with her eyes still kept close.


Itachi only gave her a quiet long side glance but he still paused to wait and hear what she was about to say.

“Do you think no one can escape here?” she asked as she tilted down her head, her bangs covering her eyes.

Itachi narrowed his eyes but nonetheless answered. “No one has ever escaped my Tsukuyomi”

Loren’s smirk widened. She tilted up her head and even though everything about her is black and red, white slanted lines were seen on her eyes.

“Then I’ll be the first one huh….” She contemplated, sounding more to herself than to Itachi, though he clearly heard her.

Itachi was stunned as he cautiously took a step backward, eyeing her with slightly bothered eyes. Feeling a sudden threat, he immediately knew that he has to act fast and so the front row immediately leaped up to stab her only to freeze midair, not just the attacking group but also everything inside that world, except the girl herself.

“aaaaaAAAAHHHHH!!!” she roared, a strong gust of chakra gushed out from her body, making the genjustsu to distort before everything went black.

Itachi’s strength in his lower extremities disappeared, making him stumble. He greedily sucked in some fresh cold air as something warm and stingy flowed from his eyes down to his cheek and onto the floor of the earth.

“You are crying blood. Must be because I cancelled your jutsu against your will in a barbaric way” Loren stated while flicking her hair over her shoulder.

Sweats mixed with blood rolled down from his cheeks. He slowly breathed in and out to conserve energy. He carefully stood up, only to freeze half way when his opponent mumbled something once again.

Fire appeared out of nowhere, engulfing her in a swirling fashion and when it finally subsided, her form changed, much like to the one that was fighting Deidara.

Itachi immediately straightened, forming a sequence of hand seals as he did so.

‘Fire release! Great blazing jutsu!’ he thought.

He sharply inhaled air before blowing out a scorching fire directed t her, who only lifted her hands in front of her that made the flame to freeze. How ironic it seems to hear.

Itachi immediately cancelled his jutsu and instead performed another series of hand seals.

“Water realease! Great Water Breakthrough!” he exclaimed under his breath.

He inhaled deeply before blowing out once again, but as the name indicated, water came out from his mouth and attacked the blazing girl.

Loren swirled around, with her hand stretched in front of her. Flame immediately surrounded her and it met with the water, immediately evaporating the water and creating some mist around the blazing wall.

When it all calmed down, including the wall blazing wall, sets of kunai flew out towards her direction. But she didn’t dodge, she didn’t move, nor didn’t she flinch. She only let the kunai passed through her like it was an everyday occurrence and let them hit the trees behind her. Not even a scratch was made on her, except for the bland pain where the kunai went through though she professionally hid it well.

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