Chapter 41: Another fight

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"Is he always this loud?" Olive asks with a soft laugh as I glance at Noah in his play pen screaming and playing with his toys. He isn't mad or sad or anything, he just does it for fun. He's a loud baby. "Yeah" I chuckle lifting my hand to run my fingers through my hair. We've been trying to study but we were mostly getting distracted and slipping into conversations that had nothing with the work we were suppose to do.

I know what you're thinking, when the hell did you become this close to her? I thought you hated her. Well...

I've been spending a lot of time with the gang to study and be a little more social. Since Liv is part of our group of friends I've been seeing her a lot to. I did keep my distance at first, not wanting to trust her at first because I wasn't sure if she was going to be true to her words, although people do deserve second chances. As days went on we started talking, she always asked about Noah and if he was alright or if he learned anything new, she's adores him, almost as much as Farkle. Anyways she's been really, really nice, I'm pretty sure its because she feels bad for what she did but she is doing a good job of building a new friendship with me. When I learned that she also did art that's when I got more interested in her. Unlike me who's mostly into painting and photography, she's more into crafts which is why we started studying the subject together.

She taught me a few techniques of hers that she uses for different types of crafts and I shared my painting and photography tips. Right now I'm working on a really cool art piece, I'm using old books (so it's a little crafty, thanks Liv) and its inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Liv is working on editing some of her pictures that needs to go on her project to support her final piece, evidence of ideas captured that lead to her piece.

"Who is more like? You or Josh?" She asks curiously, leaning her head on her hand as she keeps her eyes on him. "He's a perfect mix actually" I admit "He's calm and super easy like Josh but he's also hyper active and a handful like me, he's a perfect combination of Josh and I" I explain with a smile. "That just made him even cuter" she gushes making me laugh.

"But he is Josh's clone" she shrugs "He still has some part of you in him, like his eyes and the shape of his lips"

"True" I agree smiling when he tries to stand up, he holds onto the barrier to keep himself steady. A wide grin on his lips and he's blue eyes sparkling with happiness. When his eyes find mine he start babbling and moving his feet around, making him look like he's dancing. Liv starts laughing and I shake my head in amusement, "He's gonna be a little dancer".

"Mamama" he starts to mumble, his words getting louder as each seconds go by. "Alright, alright I'm coming" I chuckle getting up from my seat, "That's what she said" Liv whispers causing me to stop in my tracks and look at her wide eyed. "Oh my God really?" I laugh and she shrugs innocently. I roll my eyes playfully and turn back around to get my son.

"Hiya Pumpkin" his smile widens as I reach him, he's such a happy baby. I pick him up and place him on my hip walking back towards Liv. I sit back down and move him so he can sit on my lap.

"Hi cutie" Liv coos blowing him a kiss, however my son doesn't seem interested in her like he usually is. Instead he just snuggles against my chest and starts to suck on his fingers. "Your hand is more interesting than me huh?" She chuckles "You're really adorable you know that?".

I reach for my phone to glance at the time, normally Noah loves to interact with people, that is if he knows them. "Already" I gasp when my eyes land on the time. "What?" Liv asks furrowing her brows, "Its almost 3 o'clock" I reply making her eyes widen.

"Fuck" she mumbles "I'm going to have to go, I have to meet up with my mom" she sighs.

"And I have to feed this little guy, that's why you're so interested in your fingers. You're hungry" I turn him around in my arms so he's facing me and kiss his cheek.

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