Reason Three

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I'll be including the comments at the bottom

July 20, 2014

To prove them wrong

You might be wondering who 'they' are. But when it all comes down to it, whoever 'they' are doesn't matter. They are people who defy you. These people are the people who want your misery. Look them in the face, smile, grin, and continue to do what they hate the most--be happy.

It's hard to imagine that people out there want others to be miserable but it's true. There are people out there who want to live only to step on others and you cannot allow that. People compliment you. You hate it when people don't take compliments that you say. Or. that you hear for that matter. Take your own advice, allow yourself to be praised.

Let us take on your personality. Think back. When you first entered middle school, did you think that you would have stopped cutting? Did you know that you'd be trusted on the spot? Isn't amazing how you can convince people now? All based on a smile, a few good deeds, and believe in yourself?

Did you think that you could make it without your aunt? No. Did you think you'd meet the most bittersweet person in your life? No. Did you even consider that you'd lose your 'best friend'? No. All of these are negative but think about how you've grown due to those events.

You wanted your first tattoo to be of a tiger and the moon. Now? It's nothing like that. You can, however, think of a new one. Think. In the night (when the moon and stars are out, and think of how you can make that look lively. If you'd like to save up for the next one.

On your opposite shoulder, in the night, can be a shadow that ventures through other dimensions, the many dimensions of your dreams. It's a beautiful emotion. Have the moon light up the adventure and even though it is dark, it is still a word that allows you to bring your writing to life! Although you may be asleep you dream of the future, you have nightmares, as well as past memories. These can be re[resented by the subtle clouds that can pop up. You could even include your spine to show that there's two sides of you but bother are beautiful. Your spine could be the chains that hold you and support you yet hold you to your word. See?

Four years ago, could you have thought of that? The shadow isn't depicted as negative in the use of it being the night and being able to shift with each dimension. The moon lights up your adventure and each star is an adventure or element all on it's own. The chains are for support not only to hold you down but to hold you up. It is your spine after all.

By using the clouds it can determine the realistic point of view. Depending on how the tattoo artist takes it. he can bring to life the nature outside that's going on while your dream mode is recording and sending messages to you other self. When you wake up.

It's only an idea but go ahead and tell him. That way, you have one piece and it doesn't natter if you get the other piece. Each side will work on its own. And don't be afraid to tell the people you trust. Even though they're upset that you did it (Better to ask for forgiveness than permission) they'll still love you because it doesn't matter who you are. And they. They are the people you will care about regardless of what they do.

People tell you that you're amazing, that you're smart, that you're handsome. Take their comments for a change and accept it. Prove those people right. And prove the people who think that there's nothing more to life wrong. At one point, you didn't believe in yourself. And at times, you waver. But. Don't get caught up in those moments.

You are an amazing person. And guess what? It's only going to get better from here. Because you'll go through more pain. But. You'll always come out on top. Your best friend said that you can get through it because you're who you are. Believe that. Take to it heart. Because you are who you are. And you will only be better.

You help people out without a second thought. Now, I know that lately you do these things and you wonder, what have they done for you or why are you doing this when you'll never see that person again... Don't mind it! If anything, be more observant. Look at the people you help. Take to heart what you do and don't dismiss it.

More than once have you heard people tell you that they know something about you yet you didn't think that they cared enough to give you a second look. You are a distinct person. Always will be. And that's why they hate you. They hate the fact that you're living. They're jealous that you can smile and they can't. You live for those people. To show those people that one day. If they finally see what you've been doing all your life, that they can live that way too.

You may not be Christian. You may not believe in any specific religion but morals. Anyone can have morals. And that's what matters. You can show that there's more to life than this hopeless war. There's more to life than drowning yourself. Remember? You didn't want others to die because of suicide so you didn't commit? Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time. Living?

That's all you have to do! Live. Easy. You're doing it now. How hard is it to do it later? You are alive. Allow yourself to live. And breathe. Every now and then remind yourself that this is why you are here. You are here to prove yourself.

To prove to others--that it's okay to live. And to prove to them that they. are. wrong. 



Wonderful, positive affirmations!

DJ: It's getting harder for me to believe myself lately. I've been getting more sleep than normal. Which should be a good thing but I mean, instead of six it has become twelve or more. :/ That's why I need to look at these again.

NYKeegs: You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself!

DJ: Thank you. The work your reading here my progression to the level of writing I have now!

NY: I thought it was from when you were younger. I like it.

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