P: Breach T: Disturbed

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All the sudden my heart starts to ache.

My yearning eyes start to water,

I fear.

No friend should be yearned for only missed.

Yet these are the real tears.

These tears have always described my passion when happy, when sad, when amazed.

They only show when true passion and friendship are one to be held, dear.

But if they go and stop. I'll stand.

But I won't run, I'll let them go and wait for them.

However, for once my heart screams "mustn't".

I fear that I will never be able to move to a safe haven among these happy memories.

I wouldn't be here if it weren't for The One.

But The One could be here without me,

And is.

Which is why I feel these tears in my eyes,

Because I destroyed who I was and built myself around what wasn't.

Now my center grasp for what was never,

And the worlds must not have come together.

If only the attempt could be so easy.

A simple flash. A change of heart. A change of mind.

But these tears aren't meant to be heard so they shall not fall.

They are held and until I break once again. They will not fall.


This hurts me more than helps. And I want to disappear from it all. (At the time I wrote this: December 30th 2014(?).

Edited: March 6, 2015

This seems so dark. It took me a while to figure out what it about. But I can see myself writing this and I can see myself in pain. This was most likely about her. I cut her off on the 20th. I told her that we were taking a break. She's the only thing that I could hurt myself over and yet keep myself from hurting myself. Hopefully I'm right. 

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