Reason Two

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July 7, 2014


Don't think that you can call it quits because you're lucky. Even though it is the seventh of July and even though you didn't like your fourth of July. Do you know what that day represents? You laugh at Columbus day because it's a day your country celebrates when Columbus founded 'the New World' when really, he found a new territory already marked with inhabitants. But you don't laugh at Independence day.

A lot of your friends declare that they're from Mexico because they're Mexican but most of them were born here. And they're lucky. In the same way you are. Don't take your freedom for granted. Especially since you can change the world and you can fight against mental illnesses like depression.

Because you are free you can choose when to leave the house. Because you are free Xavier has a choice to sleep with his girlfriend in the room that you share. And because you have the freedom to avoid them and drive to Matrina's or any friends house, you should be thankful.

Since you have freedom, you have the choice to write this and not get in trouble. Your freedom defines thee. It allows you to have a voice. It allows you to drive under certain circumstances but at least you can drive yourself and not be watched every where you turn.

This freedom given to you allows you to choose who you want to be intimate with and who you do not want to be intimate with. It allows you to watch movies in public without hearing gunshots every which direction. Freedom gave you the choice to decorate your room.

Freedom in your country is overlooked in many eyes. Don't allow it to be overlooked in yours. Every word that you type, every word that you write, every word that you speak, represents freedom. And because of that, you should be thankful. Not only that. But you should be inspired.

Happy birthday America. The day America earned its freedom from Great Britain. That year in 1776 allows you to do what you're doing right now and it allows you to do what you will be doing. Don't take your rights for granted. Allow yourself to be free.

Don't chain yourself down because you think it's time to give up. Believe in yourself. I do. Even if you lose friends along the way. There's always a person that you can turn to. And there are also people you don't have to turn to.

Isn't it odd? As a friend said. That you declare yourself to have no religion yet you have morals? Raised in a Christian home but under different houses confused you. Sunday mornings. Do you remember where you when to the Church of the Nazarene? Remember the friends you made there and how the church struggled?

You grew up there. And it turned into a Spanish church. Remember hours later as you went to the church of the modern baptist? They had instruments and sang with a projector to direct the words. Then, on Sunday you'd go with your friends to a traditional baptist.

The one day you'll never forget (and if you do it's here to be remembered) when you asked all three of these churches a question. "How does one get saved by God when not everyone can get baptized?"

That Wednesday night, the answer was, "One can only be saved through baptism."

And then you wondered about the children in Africa who did not know God.

That following Sunday you asked your morning church.

"As long as one walks with Christ then one shall be saved."

That afternoon.

"One has to be baptized and continue to walk with Christ to be saved."

After your family changed churches you moved into a modern Nazarene that didn't sing from the hymens but had them on display. You always wondered why they left them out yet didn't use them. You sang with the projector and continued to grow there.

But you never forgot the kids in other countries who did not praise God. You wondered, when someone does not believe in heaven, the purgatory, or hell how can they go? Would they be placed according to punishment. But. Then they wouldn't know better.

Some people kill every waking moment and not give the thought a second of reconsideration because that's how they're raised. So then. How are they bad when that's all they know? Humans are manipulative in many ways.

Don't forget that conversation you had with Lily. The question you asked about going lesbian. "If you were raised to like the same sex, then who do you think you'd pick?" Of course it's all speculation. She wouldn't actually know.

But. Didn't it amuse you? As you heard her answer. I would never go lesbian. Never. Even if they raised me that way.

"But then. You wouldn't consider it being lesbian. It wouldn't be weird to you. You wouldn't know any better. You wouldn't know because the people who taught you didn't teach you that there was another option."


"I still would never like a girl in that manner."

"Like I said. You wouldn't know any better."

Then she changed the subject.

Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. You're using those three freedoms as you write this for yourself in the future. Don't worry. I won't allow you to forget. Do you also remember when you went to the Philippines?

Baptist that afternoon, Methodist in the morning, Iglesias de Christo on the occasion. Remember how the baptist Sunday school teacher reacted when you didn't know an answer to her question. And remember how you wondered why she picked you? Then, after class you asked for the answer. And she snickered?

Then, two years later when you found about about your parents and your mother being a Priest you were able to understand the disappointment the teacher had.

As an American, you have the freedom to become whatever your heart desires. Being a preacher's kid? You're expected to do certain things. But your mother never said she was that until you allowed the conflict to reach the school.

You knew nothing close about your parents. You were giving up. All you wanted to do was end it. But. You didn't. All you did was let the blood spill and the emotions to go away. Finally, you were stupid enough to let the school know. You trusted someone and they were manipulated.

You hated them for that. But then you realized how much you're worth. That year you made a promise. In which you later 'broke' the following year. But look at you now. Those wrist are cut free. Scarred over they may be but they're now open. Now you turn to writing.

These freedoms. Freedom to start over. The freedom that your parents so long for. The place of opportunity.

You are free. Be free. 

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