Math sucks. Help me?

Start from the beginning

He was stopped mid-sentence in the rant when the doorbell rang. I heard my dads betting on who it was as I opened the door. It was Logan. I smiled and welcomed him in.

"Hello, Mr. and Mr. Prince," he said.

"You can call us by our names, you know. You've been over often enough."

"I suppose so." He turned to me. "So what did you need help with? Should we get started?"

"I appreciate it, but we can wait a little. Dad ordered pizza."

"Oh. Sure." As if on cue, the doorbell rang again. My dads both scrambled to get to the door first. I don't know when it started, but they always do this thing where they compete to freak out the delivery guy.

"That'll be 10.99," Dad said, holding my other dad back by his hoodie. The poor pizza delivery boy. He's my age, I think, and he must be new at this.

"I- wha?"

"Kidding! Here you go! Have a nice evening!" Dad took the pizza, slammed the door in that poor boy's face, then set the box down on the table dramatically. "Bon appetit," he said, laughing as Dad punched him in the arm.

We ate quickly, talking about nothing in particular. Dad insisted that we "spill the tea, sis," on the kids in our school, but neither of us know much gossip. Logan started talking about his crazy trigonometry teacher, and as he spouted various math terms, I was reminded again of how much smarter than me he is. Maybe this was a bad idea. He's definitely gonna think I'm dumb.

When we were done eating, we went up to my room. Dad thought it would be funny to make fun of us as we walked away.

"Keep the door open!" You tell your dad about your crush on your best friend one time...

"You're very helpful," I said jokingly as we walked away. "Gosh, they're a handful," I said as we got to my room.

"They are funny, though. And it's nice that you can joke with them. I've always been very serious around my parents because they have such high expectations of me."

"Any new developments in 'the catastrophe that is Logan's relationship with his parents?'"

"Last week my dad had a talk with me because I got one question wrong on a history quiz."

"One question?! How many points was it?"

"It took off two points from a fifty point quiz. I got a 96." I gasped.

"I would kill for a 96 on a test!"

"I agree that it's a very good grade, but it brought my class grade down to a 98.4."

"That's literally insane. I haven't gotten anything above a 94 in a class since 7th grade."

"Anyways, it doesn't particlarly matter. So what were you having trouble with?" I showed him my textbook and basically just gestured at a diagram of a two-column proof and said 'help.'

Gosh, listening to Logan is even harder than listening to my math teacher! He's so into what he's talking about, and it's really cute because he sort of forgets everything that isn't math and goes into this zone. He sounds so excited about this boring mess of numbers and words and it's adorable. Why don't I have any super smart friends that I'm not hopelessly gay for?

"Patton, may I ask you a question?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," I said, snapping back from my half-listening state. Oh, if only my grade didn't rely on understanding what he was saying.

"Why didn't you ask me for help earlier if you were having trouble? I'm always willing to help you."

"I... I thought you might think I'm dumb. I know this isn't trigonometry or anything, and it's super easy for you, but I still don't understand it, and..." I sniffled. I always get really upset when I can't understand things. It's really stupid.

"Pat, of course I don't think you're dumb. You think I didn't have trouble with this too? It's perfectly normal not to understand this, it's really difficult. Do you know how many all-nighters I had to pull to learn some of this stuff?" He chuckled a little at his own comment, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Like you said. Math sucks. But I'm always willing to help you, and I would absolutely never think less of you for not understanding something." I smiled and hugged him. It was sort of an awkward hug, but it was nice nonetheless. I pulled away, feeling better.

"You're telling me you walked around all last year drinking so much coffee that even Remy would be concerned because math is hard?" He laughed. Not a full laugh, but an adorable little chuckle and I was launched right back into that gay headspace where I can't register what he's saying. "But seriously. Thank you."

"Any time." We slowly got back to the math, and surprisingly, I was starting to understand it! I was memorizing theorems left and right, and he even started teaching me some of the next lesson too so I would be ahead of the game.

"So do you understand? If you know that two sides are the same on two triangles, but the included angles are different, the triangle with the greater included angle has a greater remaining side." (Idk if anyone is taking geometry right now but this is called the hinge theorem in case you need it and if you do, good luck)

"Uh-huh." I yawned. I looked at the digital clock on my desk. It was only about ten. "Do you wanna stay over," I said, slowly falling on his shoulder as my eyes drifted closed.

"Sure. It looks like you could use some sleep. I'll clean up." I nodded, then stood and walked to my bed and just collapsed. Math is exhausting.

Logan's POV

I smiled as Patton flopped down on the bed before grabbing my phone to text my parents. It's not the first time I've spontaneously stayed over, so it shouldn't be an issue. I put all of the geometry supplies back into his backpack, then went downstairs to let his parents know I'd be staying over.

"Excuse me?" I tried to get their attention, as they were on the couch, watching some movie. It appeared to be a Disney movie. "Is it alright if I stay over tonight?"

"Yeah, of course. Just keep it down," Mr. Pri- I mean Virgil said.

"Patton's already asleep. Is it... you're sure it's alright if we sleep in the same bed? Even though-"

"We trust you," Roman said. "Now get up there and cuddle the shit out of him." I smiled as Virgil shook his head.

"Goodnight. If either of you need anything, we'll be here binge watching Disney movies until 3 AM." I nodded and went back upstairs.

I decided it was better to just sleep in jeans than wake Patton to ask to borrow pajamas. I laid down beside him, staring at the ceiling, listening to his even breathing.

Perhaps one day I'll work up the nerve to tell him how I feel. But for now... Just being next to him will suffice.

Roman's POV

"Ten bucks says Logan confesses tomorrow," I said.

"Are you kidding? I'm betting fifteen dollars and the making of tomorrow's breakfast that Pat wakes up in the middle of the night, Logan is still awake, and they have a heartfelt moment by the moonlight through the window."

"I truly hate that you're right enough that I can't take that bet."

I was gonna have a sappy ending but nahhhhh.

Hope y'all liked and hopefully I'll get a bunch of writing done this weekend because I finally have my first free weekend in like a while.

Cheers, queers, and remember to hydrate, don't die-drate. 💖💜💙

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