Part 82 - In-laws... again!

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

"Beta?! What are you doing?" came papa's voice out of nowhere, making both of us jump, though Arush's strong grip stayed protectively around my waist!

Uh-oh!! This ain't good!

Pulling myself together, I glared at Arush to let go off of me, oh but he always gets his way doesn't he?

Tightening his grip on my waist, Arush peered down at me, a look of concern over taking his handsome face, though his lips looked like they were twitching to form a smirk.

"Beta.." papa trailed off, only to be cut off by Arush.

"Oh uncle... Sorry... Sahana was fainting .. I just caught her in time... " Arush said, looking up at papa, with his hands still around me.

"What?" Papa asked, sounding anxious.

"Han... She was looking around, and then, she clutched at her head... I just happened to find her and she said she's okay... But she took two steps and was about to faint and fall down... So I held her... else she'd have been trampled over by the crowd" Arush said in such a nonchalant but anxious voice, whilst indicating the crowd around us, making it all sound so true!

"Arre meri bachchi.. Kya hua?" Papa asked in concern, as Arush steadied me on my feet, but kept his arm around my waist.

Papa put his arm on my shoulder to hold me tight like I'd fall off any second now, but Arush the asshole winked lightly at me once before tightening his grip on my waist.

"She looked pale yesterday in office too.... I guess she needs rest" Arush said softly as he and papa lead me to wherever it was that they were taking me.

"Hmm I think so too... She doesn't over sleep but she did wake up rather late than usual today morning... Are you overloading my daughter with work?" Papa asked, turning rather stern at the end, and making me smile.

"She's one of the most efficient member of my team uncle, and the most smartest too... She's actually helped me with a promotion too... but no I don't over load her uncle... she solves issues and comes up with such brilliant ideas that saves time for all of us... I think she likes to work... under me.." Arush trailed off, stressing the words 'under me'

Blinking in confusion, I looked up at Arush's face, who had a nonchalant expression on his face as he continued to listen to whatever papa had to reply on the subject, but was it my imagination or did Arush really look like he was smirking?

Working under him? What's there to smirk in that? Working.... Under him?! Under him.... Me under him yesterday.... Oh holy fuck!

As my eyes grew wide in realization, I saw Arush pursing his lips, like as though he was controlling himself from bursting into laughter.

Besharam aadmi!! He's fucking talking in double meaning right in front of my father!! Oh that asshole!!

"Beta where are your parents?" Papa asked Arush finally as we reached ma and Bhai who looked relieved as their eyes fell on me.

"Uh... They were supposed to be here... Wait let me call them" Arush said, finally letting go off of me, and taking the opportunity, I went to stand beside my mother, who smiled warmly at me, asking me where I'd been.

"Arre Arush beta... It's time for the aarti now.. why don't you call them on their phone and tell them to come here? You shouldn't put your back to an aarti" ma said, looking up at Arush.

"Ji aunty" Arush smiled, though from the glimmer in his eyes, it was evident that he was waiting for some such reply!

While Arush called and spoke to his father, giving them the direction to where we were located, ma Bhai and papa stood in front of us, looking towards the idols of Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha.

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