Part 81 - Red-handed... again

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

"Bhai?" I whispered, my eyes going wide in horror.

Okay he's asking to get caught now!

"Jaldi Sonu .. andar jao na..." Bhai said in his usual loud voice, looking around anxiously.

Shocked and confused, I walked in, with Bhai right behind me, closing the main door shut behind him.

"Mummy Papa Lonavala Gaye h" Bhai said, sitting down on the living room sofa, while I stood there, shocked.

"Bhai woh..." I trailed off as he cut me in.

"Now Sonu... When they come home just tell them that I came ten minutes before them okay? I was in a club with Ahana when papa called... I lied very badly and almost got caught! Lucky day for me... I quickly dropped Ahana back at her home and rushed here.. " Bhai said, sounding rather pleased with himself.

Shall I tell him that he's already caught... that too red-handed?

"Han but papa..." I trailed off yet again as Bhai cut me in.

"you won't believe it Sonu!!! I got off by passing the loud music to Ashish's ringtone" Bhai chuckled proudly, while I rolled my eyes.

"Club.. Bhai?"  I managed to ask amidst my shock and confusion.

"Han... Ashish had recommended... Brilliant place!! You should go with..." Bhai trailed off as our parents bedroom door opened, revealing papa and ma.

Bhai's eyes were almost popping out of his head as he gaped at our parents, both of whom were looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"P...p...p...papa?? I... You... Lonavala?" Bhai stuttered as I face palmed myself.

"Club Reyansh? And who's Ahana?" Papa asked, pursing his lips to appear stern oh but that malevolent glint in Papa's eyes gave him away, though I'm sure bhai saw none of it as he gaped at our parents in horror.

"W...w...woh...uh.." Bhai stuttered, looking shocked as fuck.

"Girlfriend, behind our back?! I trusted you Reyansh....  And is this how you repay our trust?! By roaming around with a girl and behaving so indecently in public places?!" papa asked in a stern voice, trying to sound hurt and angry.

Bhai gaped and I could see tears of guilt and shame pool in his eyes as he looked down at his feet, unable to meet papa's accusatory gaze.

"I want to meet this girl and her family tomorrow" papa said sternly, walking back to the bedroom, with a shocked ma right behind him.

I had barely opened my mouth to tell the truth to Bhai, when Papa's booming voice echoed through the hall.

"Sahana? Beta come in here for a moment" papa said in that authoritative voice, making me jump .

Wordlessly, I went to their room, to find ma glaring at papa.

"I love Reyansh too beta.. he's my own son... But this... He hid the matter from me so this is just a small prank on him okay? If your Ahana bhabhi and your Bhai really love each other and are happy with each other, I'll make sure they do get married... And even have a grand wedding for them.. I promise you.. but please beta... Just let me prank my son for once?" Papa pleaded in a whisper once he locked the bedroom door behind him.

Feeling exceptionally bad for Bhai, I nodded at papa - well I am my Bhai's ladli true, but for once I can sidle with papa... After bhai's hypocrisy with Arush where he'd blatantly lied to Arush that he (Bhai) would have told the girl's brother and even taken his permission for dating if he (Bhai) were in Arush's place...

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