Part 34 - Kiss - part 3

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

Should I be happy or sad that the dude who makes my heart jump with joy is a possessive asshole with a very nasty temper?!

Everything was fine and then bam.... He shuts my room door with a loud bang as he walks outa my room.

And why did he storm out?! Because I said Raj shouldn't find out about us!!

Does Arush not understand that my protective brother would beat him to a pulp if he {my Bhai}  ever found out about us?! Oh no he's all for love and stuff but he's just that protective about me!

And then Raj with his excessive teasing.... Fuck the office people too gossiping behind our backs that I'm with Arush only for my job 'n stuff.... Arush could even end up loosing his job!! Does he not understand any of this?

Sighing, I walked to my dressing table to make myself more presentable, but the moment I saw my reflection, I blushed scarlet - my usually tamed and neat hair looked like a big nest made of hair!!

My tousled hair was a reminder...a proof... Of how it had all fallen over like a curtain encapsulating just me and him while we kissed!

I ran my fingers along my lips, still unable to believe that just a few moments ago, Arush's lips where on these, sending me into a state of pure Bliss!

But was all lost now? No!! I should make him understand why it's essential for us to keep this matter of him and me a secret. He could loose his job and people might even call him names.... I can't let that happen!!

Blushing and still pondering over the intimate moment that had just passed between me and Arush, I brushed my hair into a neat ponytail before applying a little bit of tinted lip balm on my lips.

I was dressed in my pajamas - Hogwarts themed pajamas to be precise and well, I don't wanna change out of them - Arush had held me when I was wearing these!!

Blush at the memory of how Arush had held me to his body, I put my phone in my pajama pocket and opened my room door.

There in front of me was Arush, who looked grumpy as fuck and was emerging out of the mini theater.

Arush avoided my gaze and was about to walk away when I moved forward and grabbed his hand.

I looked around to make sure that Raj and Bhai weren't there and was glad to hear their voices coming down from the living room eating breakfast.

Arush was looking at me in confusion, though his cheeks were turning to a deeper shade of pink with every passing second.

Without uttering another word, I dragged him into my room and closed the door behind me while Arush still looked at me in confusion, though his eyes were screaming hurt.

"I didn't mean that I'm not interested in you or that I am interested in Raj or someother dude.... If Raj finds out he's gonna tease the crap out of both of us and even Bhai's gonna find out...Bhai's really protective of me and he'll beat you to a pulp if he finds out that I cried n stuff...and then there's the matter of office....if someone gets to know in office it's gonna be like I'm with you for my job or something and even your career may get jeopardized... They'll talk ill about you too and your job Arush..." I broke off, panting for breath.

Arush hadn't moved a muscle and was looking at me with some weird expression on his face.

"What?" I asked, feeling irritated and sad that he's still probably misunderstanding me.

"You look cute when you're all babbling on like this... And you're even more cuter when you care for me" he said, walking towards me.

My cheeks started burning at his words and I slowly started moving backwards - I have to make my point first!

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