Part 52 - Dream?!

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***Arush's P. O. V***

Almost two months had passed since I'd asked Sahana to work at my cabin and things were smoother than melted butter!

I'd come early and wait for her, and then my angel would come, filling my day and my life with brightness, making my heart skip a beat every morning when I'd see her for the first time for that day.

Maybe this is love I don't know what but the way she smiles shyly at me, the way she looks at me when she thinks I'm not looking at her, the way she wishes me good morning and good night, the way she fits perfectly in my arms.... I just want to get lost in her - whatever that means!

Even as a workaholic I loved weekdays and hated weekends - that's how much I loved my job. But since this whole Sahana business it's all like.... I hate weekends because I can't see her!

Reyansh does invite me almost every Saturdays to watch movie or go out with his other friends, but even then it's not like I get to spend a whole day with Sahana... And I can't just go to their home right?!

On the rare occasions when both her parents and even Reyansh aren't home, she'll call me and I go spend the whole day with her, but that's happened like twice in the last two months!

And my home...don't even get me get started on it!! Mom and dad keep asking about Sahana every day, pestering me when I'll introduce them to her!

Ahana has been busy with work now a days and hence she's too busy to pester me about my "girlfriend" else even she'd have been irritating me now!

My trail of thoughts got broken as a familiar lavender fragrance filled my nostrils and my lips automatically tugged into a smile.

"What are you thinking about so much?" Sahana asked, circling her arms around me from behind my chair and kissing my left cheek.

"You" I said, holding her hands and snuggling more into her.

I let go off her hand and turned my chair around to face her and chuckled, seeing how the top of my head reached her chest.

"What's so funny?" She asked, pouting a little.

"Nothing nothing..." I said, chuckling again.

"What is it?" She asked, putting both her hands on either side of my shoulders.

I tugged at her hand so that she landed on my lap and put my arms tightly around her, preventing her from getting up.

"It's not nice to kiss only one of my cheek! My right cheek got angry" I pouted, to which she giggled, albeit her cheeks turned pink.

She cupped my face and turned my face around and kissed my right cheek.

"Now my lips are angry because you pay attention only to my cheeks" I said, smirking at her.

Though we'd kissed n-number of times over the past 2 months, Sahana still shied away when it came to kissing me on her own.

Blushing scarlet, she moved forward and pecked my lips before biting her lip and looking away.

"No fear of someone finding out about us is it?" I asked her seeing how she rested her head on my shoulder and got comfortable on my lap.

"Everyone is in cafeteria seeing how it's a tea break, and in any case, as if anybody's gonna even walk in front if your cabin when they know a hungry dragon rests in this cabin" she said, toying with my shirt button.

"Baby this dragon is only hungry for you" I said, to which she got up from my lap abruptly and looked down at me with her reddened cheeks and saucer eyes.

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