Part 49 - Monday part 2

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***Sahana's P.O.V***

As I reached my desk, still blushing about the incident that had occurred in Arush's cabin, I saw something that drained all the color from my face.

No this couldn't be good at all! Oh holy fuck I'm a goner!!

An email was flashing on my laptop screen - it was from Arush.. I mean, Arush sir!

With widened eyes, I read the email, cursing myself with every word I read. Oh I so pity myself right now!!

'Dear Ms.Agarwal,

                       Since you are the idea-pitcher behind this current project, I would like to talk to you regarding the same over a meeting today from 9:30am onwards. The meeting would be in my cabin, and you would be filling me in regarding all the project updates during this meeting. 

Post lunch, we would be having a team meeting in Room 305 for the team updates, and I would like for you to be a part of that meeting as well.

Hoping to see you at sharp 9:30am,

Your's loving,

Arush Sharma

P.S - the meeting may take a while Ms.Agarwal since it is a very serious and important discussion.'

I bit my lip at the thought of what Arush might have had planned - oh obviously he's not calling me to his cabin to discuss about the project we all know that! 

Oh God he's not gonna let me be in peace is he?! Blood rose to my cheeks as his words from our previous encounter popped in my head, and I couldn't help smiling shyly to myself at the thought that Arush is going to make full utilization of this lone-time with me today!!

And then, all the blood drained from my face as I recalled the second half of his email - team meeting!! Which means I and he will be at a meeting, together!! Which means I'll be blushing there like I am right now!

Oh holy fuck!! He's gonna take advantage of me!!

But then, another thought popped into my head - what if it really was a meeting about the project?! The Arush I know is a workaholic asshole... and we are all employees for a big MNC! He can't just push aside work like all those CEO's they portray in those mushy mushy Wattpad stories right?!

Finally consoling myself with that thought, I got back to work, with my mind feeling exceptionally gleeful at the prospect of spending the whole morning with Arush, and blushing time-to-time at the thought of all the moves he would use to get close to me.

9:30am found me standing in front of Arush's cabin, knocking on his door. I was clutching onto my laptop and charger tightly, and holding my phone in the same hand too.

"Come in" he said in his usual business-like tone, and I entered, feeling rather nervous.

"Please take a seat... we'll begin our work shortly" Arush said seriously, not taking his eyes off his laptop screen.

"Yes sir" I said, taking a seat in front of his table and placing my laptop and charger on his table, all the while glancing nervously at him.

Arush didn't look at me, but was typing away in his laptop, with his perfect and beautiful eyebrows knotted and his plump lips pouted a little. 

I couldn't believe that I was kissing him like half 'n hour ago!!! I couldn't believe that his now vigorously typing fingers were actually on my waist half 'n hour ago!! I blushed as I realized that those plump lips of his were on mine half 'n hour ago!! 

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