Part 83 - Sunday!!

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***Sahana's P.O.V***

Pouting to myself, I tried Arush's number yet again, and as had been for the past one full day... But just like in the past one day, he neither picked my call, nor called me back.

Tears welled my eyes at the perfect moment we'd had day before yesterday, as we had finally become one...and this?!

Yesterday too he was so happy as he'd flirted with me at the temple, and then applied vermilion to my participation.

I couldn't help but smile and blush as I touched my hair partition - sure the pinch of vermilion he'd applied on my yesterday had washed away, but the fact that he'd actually accepted me as his wife, that too at the temple, was very endearing.

Asshole kahika! Couldn't he even reply back to me? Sure what my mom and his mom told yesterday at the temple wasn't easy to digest, but doesn't mean he's gonna go aeroplane mode on me!! At least vibration mode chalta hai yaar!

I'd called Ahana bhabhi thrice already, asking about Arush, but she'd just told he's been cooped up in his room and nothing more!

I hadn't even seen that fuck-head since he'd stormed off yesterday at the temple, and after a nice chat the two families decided to meet today, with of course, this unknown dick-head Dhruv or Dhyan or whatever the fuck his name is!

Fucking asshole why did he see me at the wedding? And most of all why are my parents so interested to meet him?? And why hadn't they mentioned about him before?

As the door bell rang and ma's voice boomed from the stairs, telling me to come down, I knew it was time to meet the guests.

Wiping my tears away, I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before making my way down. I had already helped ma with the cooking, and seeing how Arush loved mootichur laddoo, I'd insisted on making the same, and had even clicked pictures of it and sent it to him on WhatsApp! But Mr.asshole hadn't even come online!

Seeing how Arush had wanted to see me in that simple anarkali I'd worn to one of the pre-wedding functions at Varun bhaiyya's wedding, I'd worn the same today too - to woo him and tell him how much I love him and want to be with him.

I could hear Ahana bhabhi's shy voice as she spoke to ma, and also Arush's dad's voice as he spoke to Bhai and papa, but couldn't hear my man's deep voice, as I made my way down the stairs!! Taking deep calming breaths, I stepped down the stairs, and finally looked up, to see my parents and Bhai in the living room, along with Arush's family.

But what caught my eyes of course, was my man... My sexy charming man who'd applied vermilion to my partition just yesterday in front of Lord Krishna and Radha.

Dressed in a peach colored shirt and a pair of navy blue trousers, Arush had left his ruffled and sexy hair as it was - sans gel!

I forgot to even breathe as my eyes continued to row up and down his flexed biceps that he hid under the long sleeves of his shirt that he'd folded and made into 3/4th sleeves {which BTW I so love on him!}  but sighed in relief as his eyes met mine.

Though my heart shattered at the gloomy melancholy look on his face and in his eyes, I couldn't also help blush at the intensity with which he gazed at me.

Biting my lip shyly, I finally looked away from him, before turning back to look at him and find that beautiful blush adorning his handsome face as well!

"Arre Sahana beta? Come here sit next to me" Arush's mother said, and I looked around to find her smiling up at me as she indicated the empty sofa seat next to her - right opposite of Arush!

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