28. Amatory

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relating to or induced by sexual desire:

(as the title suggests, there's a bit of sexual prompts in this, i know u sluts will enjoy it, mwah)

"You drive"

"Yoongi I'm still not that good at driving" you stumbled in your steps; carrying half of his weight wasn't as easy as the guards made it out to be. It was surprising that you hadn't heard someone else in the house - there weren't others after all, which made you extra cautious. What kind of ambush is done by one man? Did the other run off when he heard his companion lose his life?

"Oh no"

You saw Yoongi's doctor on the floor, the dark blood trail staining his polished laminate. He was carrying coffee, which was now toppled over and leaking on the ground, mixing with his blood, as he was probably headed towards his office, to check up on Yoongi and you.

"Fuck" Yoongi muttered under his breath, his eyes darting down at the man who'd been keeping him healthy all these years

His wife had a tray of sandwiches in her hands when she died, and they were on the floor, never to be eaten, next to her dead body, and the guards flat on the kitchen isle as their still bodies rest in pools of their blood.

"Where's the car?"

As unnatural as it was, you admired his quick thinking, and ability to be unfazed by murder scenes, since you were already rendered thoughtless, which made your speech very delayed, since the moment reoccurred and you answered after Yoongi asked again.

"Max went off. He took the car"

"That fucking impulsive freak" Yoongi groaned, leaning himself off you, to which you quickly grabbed him by his middle, but he shook his head, and limped over to the small key hanger this family had, his eye fast at finding it and hand even faster at tossing the car keys at you "I assume the doc won't mind if we borrow his car"

You'd never been in the driver's seat with Yoongi in the passenger's, but there's firsts for everything. Your mind was blank, slightly tired and dazed at the morning dew because it was almost 5:15AM and you felt out of place on the just-awoken streets of the city.

"Turn left here babe"

You did as he told you, and it took you a little while to notice, you weren't driving home, his directions were driving you out of the city.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Just drive" he'd leaned back his seat, so that he could be in half laying position, but still get a full view of where you were going too. His blonde hair was tussled, his skin still pale, but he was beginning to look livelier and his strength was coming back to him, since he was re-loading his gun now.

"Okay, let me clear things up here" you spoke confidently as you pressed the breaks at the red light "If you're still pulling the let's-not-get-you-involved crap, cut it out, because I've been involved for a long time now. Speak to me. Tell me, what the fuck is going on, and you better do it immediately, because I can always just turn back around and drive us both into our deaths. Drowning in the ocean sounds nice right?"

"Jeez dollface"

"Don't dollface me"

He laughed, laughed like a proud winner who'd just gotten his prize, which was you, getting annoyed. You sped up as the green light beamed and even he was caught off guard at your sudden press on the gas.

"Fine" he lifted his seat back up "Before I forget, what did the doc give me?"

"Give you? Oh, he gave you some injection; also, he said that you should stick to schedule"

Agust D : Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now