23. Adjutor

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:helper; assistant

As stupid as it could've been, you wanted to go out, if not because of boredom, then for the fact you literally couldn't remember the last time you went somewhere without Yoongi or the occasion being something for Yoongi.

It sounded impossible, yet it couldn't have been truer.

Besides, Jungkook worked for Yoongi. It's not like you were rebelling. You were just heading to the city.

He drives a car that's obviously not his, yet filled with little trinkets and marks of him, who is obviously as young as you'd assumed. He had a plush toy in his backseat, come on. His ear piercing catches your eye, and for a moment you want to ask if it hurt getting it. He wore casual clothing, a well fitting black shirt and ripped jeans, for a moment situating the idea of normality. He looked like a regular guy. Well, a very handsome, regular guy.

"How old are you?" you can't help but ask, since the question's been bugging you ever since you laid eyes on him

"I'm twenty-three"


"Excuse me?"

"Liar" you smile "You're under twenty, I bet"

"What makes you say that?" he speaks with a serious voice but you can see his lips hinting a smile, you can see he's playing along, obvious that you got him, and that he in fact was lying, and you were correct.

"I'm just really clever"

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm" you nodded "So, why'd you bring me with you?"

"What is it called, ménage something?"

"Yeah, right" you snorted "Seriously, why'd you bring me?"

He shook his head. When you stopped at the red light, you asked again, seriously interested as to why he asked you to tag along. You two barely knew each other.

"You seemed in need of a distraction"

You smiled faintly, and before you could say anything, Jungkook continued driving, and the loud noise of the open windows, the music of the city, tuned you out. All you could hear was the little jingle of his phone at the dashboard.

"Aren't you going to check it?"

"Nah, it's just a text. You can if you'd like, it won't be new to you anyways" he smirked, making a turn at the shopping mall. This was where he was taking you? To the mall?

You casually took his phone, pressing the side button and looking down at the bright screen.

after that she legit just left can you believe

"It's from taesty" you read the contact name. Jungkook was too busy looking for a place to park, so he just muttered a small okay.

Before you put the phone back, he sent another message, causing another notification to pop onto the screen.

as if i did anything wrong like wtf

"It seems to be girl trouble"

"Yeah, he's been having lots of it recently" Jungkook said absentmindedly, finally having found a parking place and doing his best to perfectly swerve into it


He responded to the text, and you expected him to take some time since this was his friend, however he just replied quickly and pocketed away his phone.

"Let's get to work"

So, work, little job he had to do, was actually just getting something for his date. Although he specified this wasn't a date. This was a girl he knew for months. It was a sort of friends with benefits thing. Or perhaps just benefits, since they weren't even that much of friends.

"We've hung out quite a few times, as I said before; she's down to chill, so am I"

"Does she know that you chill with an ocean of other girls too?" you spoke what you assumed, since Jungkook's image could be anything at that point, ranging from shy cutie to cocky fuckboy.

"She's aware. She's the first one to actually be aware; I usually never go with the same girl twice"

"Why not?"

All of this discussion had been going on while you two walked around the mall, looking for a flower shop, which made no sense, but Jungkook asked for it, so you scanned over the stores in an almost failed attempt. Luckily, there actually was a florist in the midst of the mall, right at the centre of the little passage-way that let to the other wing of the mall.

"Not everyone has what Agust D's got"

You couldn't tell if he was actually flirting or joking around, but he stopped your suspicion rather quickly.

"I don't really date. Plus, all girls are special to me, whether they openly fawn over me or hate me, no one has yet really stuck out to me, as the "one" who's "different". I lust after girls equally, you know?"

"That's your problem then" your fingers grazed the flowers gently "It's not lust that'll get you there. It's love"


You two turned to the voice of the florist, a kind looking woman with a bright smile. As the answer almost came out as a laugh, Jungkook managed to wrap his arm around your waist, clearing his throat and giving a bright smile back to the lady.

"Yes, actually"

You refrained from reacting so you just raised your brows, biting your lip as you looked up at him.

"Oh how wonderful! You're such a cute couple! Would you be interested in a already made bouquet or will you let your girlfriend hand-pick"

"Is there a couple's discount perhaps?" Jungkook asked, and that's when you got your answer.

"Well, for two cute kids like you...I'll give you a great deal on the orchids!"

And so, you walked out of the flower shop with orchids in your hands, a new boyfriend around your arm and an insanely cheerful florist woman waving you goodbye.

"I'm amazed at what a cheap-ass you are"

"Hey, she's getting flowers, and me for the night, that's more then she bargained for"

"What a gentleman"

"I know right"

You two walked around the mall a little, and it made you realize just how out of touch you'd been with reality, or at least, this reality. Yoongi had spoiled you rotten to the point that all the mall clothing looked like pure trash. I mean it's not like you ever even asked for clothes that cost more than school tuition, you just got it.

"Hey" Jungkook poked your shoulder "We need to get going"

"Oh right, sorry" you turned away from the shelf of books in the little bookstore. Shame how empty it seemed, the bookstore, however it was in the midst of a mall, people rarely came to malls for books.

"How much are you judging me right now?"

"Huh?" you frowned in the passenger's seat, the orchids neatly seated in your lap and the window rolled down again, letting the breeze hit your face as he drove you back

"About the lust over love thing"

"That? Oh come on Jungkook" you laughed a little "As much as I'm sure there are girls crying in their bedrooms about how you don't love them back, I'm also sure they'll get over you eventually. As we've established, you're under twenty-"

You gave him a knowing glance and he just nodded with a small smile.

"You've got plenty of time to fall in love. So what if you're fucking around a little? As long as you're not a liar about it"

"I'm not"

"Besides, believe me when I say this, love isn't for everyone" you said with a bittersweet smile

Agust D : Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now