26. Alamort

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alamort; half-dead; dejected.

He had left his pajama's right on the bed next to you that day. If only you knew where Yoongi was, because you missed him, and wanted to help him out, but he explicitly explained how you couldn't come with him, how you had to keep a low profile.

It felt like you'd skipped ahead, jumped over a stream, continuing the road of delusion. It felt like there was no time to sit and dwell, only to walk and live.

And you missed him, a lot, because he left you another one of his notes, and it made your heart feel idiotically warm. 

You missed the him he was with you. The him that wrote the particular note.

Princess, I want to do something special...Well, I want us to have a date, except we can't go out currently, so, in, dinner in the house. Can we do that tonight? We'll work on things. Be ready at 8PM.

As excited as you were for tonight, you were also worried, since you knew Yoongi was worried, and you hoped everything was going good, or as good as it could be going in his business.

You were too busy smiling at the soft pink-ish fabric of his pajama because, this was so not something a gangster wore, this was something Yoongi wore, your Yoongi wore, to bed with you.

It was warm enough for you to swim in the pool now, and it was lovely actually, the Sun provided a sweet glow and the pool a cool relief. You remembered that day when you painted and Yoongi drew his arms around you so tightly, as if to never let you go. He was particularly touchy that day.

As you got out of the pool, wrapping the towel around yourself, you could see through the glass doors, you could see Jungkook walking towards the corridor that would lead him to his room, and he was in his clothes from yesterday, which meant he only now got back. You asked Eva to get you a glass of water.

Within a short amount of time, Jungkook had wandered out by the poolside to meet you, because that so wasn't predictable of him. His swimming shorts were black, just like his hair. He just nodded at you before performing a perfect dive into the pool, as if he was a professional, and you waited for his head of hair to poke out of the water but this kid had a good pair of lungs since he was diving real long. Once he finally dipped out of the water for air, he was back down, disappearing into the colorful blue. You slid your heart-shaped sunglasses down as you noticed he was coming back, placing his hands at the edge of the pool and staring up at you, and even from the distance you could see his eyes wandering to places that weren't your eyes.

"Did you have fun last night?" you asked, pushing your sunglasses back up

"Oh yeah, hours of fun" his cute bunny smile contradicted his sinful connotation to the words he spoke

In a close too but not fully sweet manner, Jungkook splashed some water from the pool in your direction, covering only your legs with little droplets and you inched away from the surprise, laughing a little.

"You wanna come do another job with me?"

"Hm?" you asked, tilting your head to the side

"This time it's for Agust. I have to go to the train station, talk to someone for him"

You wanted too, but you knew it wasn't something Yoongi would want. You wanted to establish yourself. You wanted to place your feet firmly.

You wanted to stop being a princess locked in a bell tower.

But it probably wasn't smart. Not so directly anyways.

"That arm of yours, should you really be swimming with that huge band thing?"

"It's actually good for me; the doc said I need the light exercise"

"Oh, alright then"

"So, you wanna or no?"

"I can't"

"Hey, I was just asking, doesn't hurt to ask, does it?" he gave you a sly smile before turning back around, swimming regularly now to the other side of the pool.

You were holding your diamond necklace between your fingers when he knocked on your door, already both of you dry as it had passed hours from your little swim outside. Between your hazy gaze at the necklace and his face, you felt sick, as if someone had poisoned you. You tried shaking it off, giving a smile as he walked in.

"I'm bored and still have to wait a little before I leave"

"So, you want me to cure your boredom?"

"You know me so well already" he grinned widely

You walked over to the bathroom, pouring yourself a glass of water, chugging it down swiftly because if you didn't, you were sure you'd chug down something but in the reverse direction, aka vomit all your insides, and you prayed to God this wasn't a flu tapping at your health.

Jungkook asked, with his raised brows, using no words, and you just waved your hand, not wanting to start a discussion you didn't even know how would end.

"What do you do for my boyfriend anyways?" you asked, sitting down at the cute chair next to your vanity table "What's your job? I've never seen you prior to the whole Hound happening"

"Yeah, Agust got most of us gathered for that. My actual position is sort of – tricky to explain. You see, working for a man like him, in a business like this, you do what you're told, without question"

"How funny, I do the same, just sexually"

His eyes widened a little before he let himself laugh at your joke and you just smiled.

"Looks like it's time to go"

"See you later Jungkook"

You had no idea when you would see him later; you just said that out of politeness. In reality you were preparing for seeing Yoongi. He could be home earlier for all you knew, besides, you were eager to get ready, eager to see him, eager to have him for yourself.

And of course, when a bruised up man walked through the door, instead of your man, you were everything but eager.

Luckily you weren't in heels, which allowed you to rush down the stairs, sprinting towards him who had two men by his side, two men that were helping him stand.

You held his face between your hands, feeling the still wet blood against your fingers, trying to look into his eyes, but failing, since both were barely open.

"Get him to a bed, now" you commanded the two men, who obeyed, taking Jungkook past the stairs and into the hallway. Instead of following them, you waited for Eva to finish locking up the huge mansion door, and once she was done, you placed your hand on her shoulder.

"Get the first aid kit"

Calling a doctor was risqué, since this location was private and giving it out wouldn't be a good move, so you were rendered on your own, having already asked the maids if they knew yet they all looked terrified, whether it be from Jungkook's injured body or knowledge that if they messed something up they would pay a price, they were all terrified, stepping back and letting you do all the work. Luckily your patient was half-passed out, and probably numb to the point that he didn't even feel you rub alcohol on his shallow wounds. Shallow, to his own luck, whatever had slashed him right across the chest didn't get deep enough to seriously injure. You put gauze over the ugly wound, moving onto his face, using the damp towel to clean it. Just as you had placed the ice pack to his already swollen right eye, he muttered something, and you paused.

"Jungkook, don't move. If the pain's too much, I can give you some medication -"

"I've never been better" he started coughing the moment he said that, and you took the glass of water that was at the nightstand, left from one of the maids, putting it to his lips carefully and letting him drink

"Get some sleep"

Agust D : Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now