16. Absterge

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ab·sterge \ abzˈtərj , əb- , -bˈst- \

archaic : to cleanse especially by wiping :  PURGE

"Are you calling me a liar?" he raised his eye brows. In the underground, he lost a sense of the real world. There was no real world but this one. Mr. M's world. Except Mr. M was gone now. And it was up to him to continue the legacy.

"Say that again, go ahead"

"Mr. M would never want to leave his whole life to you. You think you're special, when in reality, that's how he recruits everyone. You're pathetic is what you are"

There wasn't an explanation as to why he decided to kill this man. But he did. And after a few punches the guy was already down. From that point on, it was easy to smash his head against the concrete ground.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? So, I got anger issues, what?"

He fixed his suit before getting up from the couch.

"I'm beyond glad that we finally sorted this out"

Hound wasn't saying anything. He obviously accepted his defeat. And this defeat was almost the same as death, that's probably why he wasn't speaking.

"You have till tomorrow to get the papers ready"

"What about us?"

To Yoongi's shock, it wasn't Hound asking this, but one of his guards. It wasn't directed towards him, but he found it adequate to answer.

"You'll still work. But not for him anymore"

"You'll still work. Just better work" 

"Mr. M wouldn't want you doing this Yoongi"

"Max, come on"

Yoongi put his hand on Max's shoulder.

"We can do great things together Max"

"Working for Mr. M was different. Do you seriously think he would want this for us? I kinda think he'd want us out of this...We were like the sons he never had"

"Which is why we're inheriting his business"

"This isn't a business...this is crime. Yoongi, we could actually find a real home now"

"This is home"

He pulled his hand away and had enough. He stood straight, staring out the dirty window from their tiny little shared room.

"And my name, is Agust"

There were details to fix about the whole plan and certain times to pin-point, but altogether he couldn't have been happier with the outcome. Hound was finally going to disappear out of his life; this could also serve as a message to anyone else who'd try something in the future.

"I won't work for you!"

He watched one of the very upset guards re-pick a gun from the pile and point it to him.

Agust D : Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now