Andy Hurley x Reader - A Little Less Talking

Start from the beginning

When you finally arrived at the abandoned factory in which you had put up camp, you climbed out of the car and shuffled to the huge door, and unlocked it, holding it open for Andy and you to slip inside the old building. The even rhythm of low blows of wooden sticks against targets was sounding from one corner of the hall, telling you that Pete was, once again, taking out his anger at some of the dummies Joe had found for training two weeks back.

Joe himself was seated on a worn down couch, lazily plucking the stings of his unplugged electric guitar, and Patrick was sitting at the desk close to the kitchen, a small lamp shining orange light at the notebook he was scribbling into.

At the sound of the door closing, his head shot up, expectant eyes meeting your tired ones.

"Total disaster," Andy answered the unspoken question in Patrick's eyes before you could.

With a disappointed sigh Patrick slumped back in his chair.

"Told you so."

The strange sound of wood booming into dummies had stopped, and Pete stepped out of the shadows. He had dark circles under his eyes, more so than usually, the sleeves of his black and white striped shirt had been pushed up to his elbows, and a few sweaty strands of hair fell into his eyes.

"Back to the pharmacies then," Joe asked, looking up from his guitar, and all of you nodded in defeat.

For a while the five of you stood, or in Patrick's and Joe's case sat, around in silence until you finally spoke up.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed, guys," you let them know. "I'm super tired."

They all nodded understandingly as you strode through the big hall, towards the stairs that led up to the second floor where a bunch of mattresses with blankets and old pillows acted as your beds.

Quickly you dressed into some shorts and an old t-shirt, which most likely belonged to one of your friends, and slipped under the slightly scratchy, wooly blanket that belonged to you.

Closing your from tiredness burning eyes, you listened to the sounds of the old building. Wind howled past the dusty windows, an owl was screeching not too far away, and in the distance you heard cars chasing down the highway, oblivious to the war that was going on in this city. The quiet voices of your four companions sounded up the stairs. You relaxed at the sound, knowing they were close by, that you were not alone.

You had almost fallen asleep, when the quiet steps of someone walking up the stairs pulled you out of the cozy sleepiness. Blinking through the dark you recognized the silhouette of Andy approaching the mattresses.


His voice was so quiet that you barely heard it.


A smile spread over Andy's face, one that you could not see due to the lack of light.

"Just wondering if you were still awake," he explained, now talking a bit louder.

"Yeah, just so," you giggled, feeling heat creep into your cheeks, causing a comfortable warmth around your heart.

"Don't give up on this thing," Andy motioned around the room, but mostly referring to your failed mission of finding the last few ingredients for Pete's potion, "we're gonna make it somehow."

You nodded, but remembered that Andy could not see you in the dark.

"I hope so," you admitted, your voice quiet.

There was shuffling in the dark, most likely Andy changing into his short for the night. He never bothered wearing a shirt to sleeping anyway.

"I just wonder if I wasn't persistent enough," you confessed as Andy sat down on his mattress.

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