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The rest of the journey went by in uncomfterble silence. Me and Demitri did not utter one single silable. We knew what was to come. I would become a monster. A creature that had no feeling, only bloodlust. I didn't know if Demitri was happy about this, or just didn't care. If I was consumed by all evil, then I know I wouldn't care. I would be a killer, someone ruthless. Like that Jane girl. I knew she enjoyed enflicting pain. The car stopped slowly, and the engine died down. The man who drove the car, who I learned to be called Darwin, let the privacy window roll down.

"We have arrived, sir." He stated.

"Thank you, Darwin. Elizabeth. Please put your hood up. And keep your head down, do not let your eyes wander." He told me. I lifted my hands and pulled the velvety hood over my expressionless face. Dimitri let himself out of the car, and waited impatiently for me. I did not dawdle. I got out myself too. Silently, I followed the vampire towards the Volturi's nest. I kept my head down, as asked. The only thing I saw was Demitri's boots. I kept my eyes on them. And made sure I did not wander off.

"Prepare. We are entering. Wait here."

I heard his footsteps fade, and some faint voices. Then Demitri's voice sounded loud and clear.

"Members of the guard. Meet our new member, Elizabeth." He called. I walked forward slowly, until Demitri put his arm out to stop me from going further.

"Show me your face, child." A male voice commanded. I believed it was Aro. I obeyed. I lifted my head from it bow. And tried to hold it high. I did not look at any of them. Instead I looked at the top of Aro's throne. However, out of the corner of my eye, I did see the man with the long black hair, and crimson red eyes, walk towards me.

"Look at me." He demanded. I looked into his eyes, and saw amusment, curiosity, and surprise.

"You are a very beautiful flower, I must say. Tell me Demitri, where ever did you find her?" He asked my travel companion.

"She was on the list, master. She is also Bella's relation. Her cousin, I think."

"Ah, Isabella. May I?" He asked me, holding out his hand. I stared at it cautiously. Very slowly, I placed my palm in his. I don't know what he did, but after it, he let out a small sigh.

"Oh. You are quite an extraordinary one, arn't you? Please inform me in why you were so willing to give yourself up for the Cullens. Vampires."

I found my voice, and tried to be brave."I love Bella, and I did not want to ruin the life she had made for herself in Forks. I also didn't want to ruin her family." I answered.

"Love. An emotion of betrayal. Don't you think, Jane?" He turned toward the petite blonde Vampire.

"Yes, master. A very dredful emotion." She smirked.

"I think we should rid her of it." A young boy who stood next to Jane said.

"Yes, Alec. Hmmm, but who should train her. Help her to understand us, to be more like us. To block out all emotions." He wondered aloud.

"I shall, If you wish." Jane said. Aro looked between me and Jane, obviously pondering the idea.

"Yes. What a perfect match. Jane, I think you will like this human's company very much. She has alot of fire."

"But sir, we do not like fire." Jane pouted.

"Ah, yes. Of course. How could I forget being burned at the stake. She has alot of spirit then. Much potential to be ruthless like you." He stated. Jane smiled at me, I smiled back. And the smile widened.

"I like her already, sir. I think we shall be good friends. It will be nice to have a feminine companion similar to my age."

"Very good. If you would escourt her to her room?"

"Yes, master. Gladly." She smiled. I followed her from the room, scared of what she could do, and Demitri did not object.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now