You've Been Missed

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This chapter is my longest yet! Don't know how I did it! To be honest, I don't think the second half is as good as the first, but I tried. I really hope you like it, and remember to vote and favourite!

My throat felt dry as I ran through the forest that surrounded the clearing. As I sprinted I passed many deers, and for some strange reason, I wasn't tempted by them in the slightest. Why was it so familiar? I knew it hadn't been that long, but was like I was in these exact woods just yesterday. As I got deeper into the forest, the smell of wolf became almost too unbaring. It was spread into the trees and the dirt, like a perfume that just didn't suit. I noticed fresh paw prints to my left as I ran, reminding me of Jake in his wolf form. His golden brown fur, and big brown eyes that saw into the depths of your soul.

However, no matter how gentle and calming he seemed, he was just as much of a hunter as I was. He just didn't see it. Deep down inside, he was a murderer too, a killer who ripped people-even if they were vampires-to shreds.

I got closer to the outskirts of the forest, and saw the all too familiar streets of Forks. The first thing I noticed was the Diner. It had some type of draw to it, like it wanted me to go there. And at first I did take a hesitant step forward, then realised my mistake. I had gone missing from Forks a year ago. Most of the residents must think me dead, so if I turned up now, in public, then I would be the talk of the town. And then who would find out about my presence?

Maybe that's what Demetri wanted, for me to come here and ask for their help. But I wouldn't give into him that easily. I would go to the Cullens in my own time, when I was ready. It had been a year. I needed to give them a show. And first I needed an opening act.

Time for some fun.

Maybe that would finally teach Demetri a lesson. Using my speed, I ran to a small store, and brought a hoodie. Yes, I paid. I'm not all bad. I put it on, and pulled the hood up concealing my face, then I walked down the road, stalking my prey. I noticed one young man with darkened skin and deep black hair walking on his own down a stray path. I followed, and wondered if I could have possibly known him. Or if Bella had? But now wasn't the time, now was the time to get what I wanted. He trod slowly and quietly, and no one else besides myself and him were on the street, so no one would notice his absence. His walking slacked, and he turned to face me, I recognised his face, but I couldn't quite place it with a name.

"Wh-who are you?" He quivered. "If you want money, I don't have much..."

Smirking, I pulled down my hood.

"A girl?" He asked bewildered. "'re the Swan girl. Elizabeth, right? Do you want me to call Bella for you? 'Cause I know you've been missing for a while, and I'm sure she can help you. So-"

"How do you know Bella?"

"I went to highschool with her. My name's Tyler. Once, I kinda, almost...killed her. And-"

"Will you shut up already?" I demanded.

"What? I..."

"Look, I'm sorry for what's going to happen. But I need to make a stand. To show people that they don't own me."

A look of confusion crossed his features, then shock as I stood in front of him-much to his surprise.

"P-please? D-d-don't do t-this..." He pleaded, tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm really sorry. I wish it didn't have to be you." I whispered with genuine mercy.

My hunger showed, and I knew it was time. I wiped away his salty tears with my thumb, then gently grasped the sides of his face, and tilted his neck. I lowered my head, and my lips brushed a pulsing vain that was just too tempting. He shivered under my hold. And I slowly bit into his neck, draining the life that he once had.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now