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Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. Everything went by in a blur. Hands poked. Fingers prodded. But I registered none of it. I thought my life problems were bad. And now that I have found out about them, I know that nothing is as simple as it seems. Creatures from my nightmares existed. Vampires, werewolves, in fact, shape-shifters. How could they exist? It was all too surreal.

I tried to grasp sanity, and very slowly unhooked my arms from their rigid postition on my knees. I stretched my legs and stood, trying not to make a sound. My joints clicked, and I groaned quietly as the stiffness in my body became prominent. Then I realised that they have good hearing. Thinking of them, my mine ran through all their faces, and landed on Edward's.

Crap, he can hear this, can't he?

Before I could think, I ran. I sprinted out of the room, and into the hall. My body spun in a circle, wondering which direction to go in, and I decided to follow the hall. My eyes lit uo when I saw the stairs. I raced through the entrance, and finally out of the door. Not knowing how I had managed to find my way through the large house. However, it was not over yet. They could still catch me. It would be easy.

I skidded to a halt. It was pitch black. Barely anything was visible. The only things I could see were the woods, pitch black light, and I could barely see the road. I decided to take the easy route; the road. However, I heard a car's tyres on the gravel. Panic, that is what I did; and ran into the forest. The leafy soldiers towered over me, begged me to go back. The wind howled a warning. Maybe I should have followed nature's advice, but stupid old me kept running. My breath came out in sudden gasps. My heart hammering, panting.

I've got to get to the road. Away from here, anywhere.

It was too dark. I'd always been afraid of the dark. It made me become delirious, and I would have a panic attack if I didn't find some light soon. Pushing myself harder, I ran in a straight direction.

My foot snagged on a tree root, and I tripped. I could not catch myself quick enough, so I fell face first into some dirt. Some went into my mouth so I spat it out with horror. How disgusting could it get? Yet that thought was quickly eraised from my mind as I remembered my current situation. I carefully lifted myself up, and checked for any broken bones. No, I was fine. I let out a breath of relief.

Surely they'll catch me now. I thought.

"Nasty fall you had there."

I jerked upright. Looking round I saw nothing but trees.

"Bella? Jacob, is that you?" I breathed. No answer. No. That voice was from no-one familiar.

Great, now I'm being followed. By some other Jerk.

"I'm neither of those you adressed." The voice stated. I stood up and twisted round to the direction the statement come from. It was impossible to trace the noise.

"Come on little girl. I thought you liked games. Guess who I am." The stanger whispered, breath warm on my neck. I slowly spun round. When I was a child, all I would do was play games that caused mischief.

How the hell did they know that?

They. A male definitley. Too deep for a female I realised. I drew in some air, and braced myself.

"Give me a clue. Do I know you?" I asked.

"No. However you are familiar with my name."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Think back a couple of hours. You must have saw my face in the memories."

"The memories. OK." I repeated.

I thought back a few hours like he suggested. The first people that came to my mind were Victoria, James and Laurent.

But they're all dead.

Next it was the wolves. I didn't think they would follow me. Not if I knew Jake; well at least not his pack. I next thought back to Edward's previous comment to Bella.

"Bella, are you sure? Think of the Volturi. What do you think they will do if they find out someone else knows, at our hands? What will happen to Renesmee?"

The Volturi. Who? Aro, Alec, Felix, Marcus? There was just to many of them. I tried to picture the voices from Bella's memories. It all clicked into place. He had barely spoken in the memories, but it was obvious who he was. Suddenly I knew who this stranger was. How he had found me, it was so obvious. Especially since he had such an ability. Trackers can find anyone; if the Volturi chose him, he must be the best.

"Demitri." I whispered. It was a fact, not a question.

"Correct. I knew you would get it. You are a smart girl, aren't you?" He remarked.

I did not answer. Just waited for him to appear. He strode confidently out from behind the forests sheld. I looked at him, took him in. He stood so tall, so intimidating. A black cloak enveloped his form. The hood he wore down. His skin shone. It was so pale, unnatural. And those eyes. Bright crimson on white. Those eyes stared straight into my soul. For some reason it made me feel naked. Like I had nothing to hide me from his stare. He did not blink, just looked. I found my voice. Tried to be brave; I was never brave.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing in paticular. Except Aro was concerned. Bella was a liability, he knew she would tell someone about us. We searched for any family member she completly trusted. And we found the letters, found you."

"Me. How? None of you knew me, how did you track me?"

He chuckled quietly, as if I was a fool. "The address on the letters helped alot. They sent me to look, find you. Then we figured out who you were. Someone special."

"Special, how exactly?"

"We have a list of potential humans who might have a unusual ability when changed. You were on that list. We always use a trigger. Try to see if they will snap. Your trigger was easy. It destroyed your mother, didn't it? Destroyed you?"

Something did snap.

"You. You killed my father. You murdered him!" I shouted.

"No, no, no. Charles Franklin did that all by himself. We just gave him a distraction." He chuckled.

"Cindy." I answered.

"Heidi, actually. But, yes. Cindy if you wish." He said, smiling so smugly.

Lets see how smug you are when I punch that smile off your face. The new bravery appeared out of nowhere in my system.

"You monster!" I tried to lung for him, but he pushed me back as if I was a feather. I fell back into a tree, the air knocked out of my lungs.

"Now, don't be like that. We must get down to business. Aro wants a new member of the guard. So it will be a Cullen" He stated.

He strode towards me, smiling. He only stopped when his face was inches from mine. My breath hitched in my throat. This was the end. He was going to bite me, kill me. I could just picture Bella's face when she found me pinned to this very tree, drained of blood; the fear would be clear in my dead expression. However he did not. With such force he grabbed my arm, just above the elbow. I tried to pull away, but failed. This was the second time someone had grabbed me today.

I screamed."Let me go!" My strength was not enough, I could not break free. He still held on, his grip like an iron vice.

"I think we should pay the Cullens a visit."

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora