So, Very Sorry

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A little Flashback chapter, so you can see what Liz has been doing in the year we were away...

One of the people that I hated most, and just practically annoyed me, had followed me. And I'd sworn that I'd used mind-control on them. How the hell did he shake of my mind control? I'd been away from Forks for only a month, but I felt better already. Sure, I might miss Renesmee. And yes, I couldn't stop thinking about Demitri. But it was easier, because I didn't have to run. Until now. However, I was tired of running, so I decided to fight Alec instead. I had just come out of a coffee shop, and had walked around the back, into the ally. And of course, he followed. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed over my chest, one foot resting on the wall for balence; is how I waited for him. He didn't take long, and just stood there ridgid, staring at me.


"For gods sake, Alec. It's Liz! In fact, you don't even get to call me that. My name is Elizabeth."

"Why can't you just see sense? It will be easier if you just come back!"

"Me see sense? Why can't you? It's like a prison. They'll never let me leave if I go back. I'll never go back. You can't make me."


"No." I answered. "Alec, why are you here?"

"You know why."

"No, how did you manage to come back? I know I used my mind control on you. To make sure that you didn't come and find me."

"I can't tell you. Not yet. I don't trust you."

"Fine. At least we're on the same page. I don't trust you either."

"Just come back?"

"No. I am not coming back. There is only reason that I would go back. And I'm working on that."

"You mean Demitri? I love you more than he ever could."

"Ha! Even if you did, I don't love you. So, that wouldn't work, would it?"

"I can make you happy. If you'd just let me."

"No. Demitri is the only person that I will ever love. And nothing that you will ever say, will change that. Now, please just, leave me."

"I will be back. And then you'll come with me."


My throat burned, and my head ached. I felt dizzy. It had been two whole months since I'd fed. And the worst thing was. I couldn't. There were no animals anywhere near where I was. So I couldn't feed. I wouldn't. I couldn't. Or could I? What harm would it do to kill just one human. No! I can't! But I'm so hungry. And I was walking down a street filled with loads. Surly I could just...yes. One just wandered into that park. And it seems like no one else is there. I might as well. So, I followed the human, and waited until they sat on a bench. Then I sat next to them. They didn't notice, they were drunk out of their mind. After about five minutes, he turned to me and waved.

"Hello..." He said to me; but it sounded like 'whello'

"I'm really sorry." I looked into his eyes. "You will not make any sound. You will not be scared. And the pain will not bother you."

"I will not make any sound. I will not be scared. And the pain will not bother me." He copied, as I leant forwards, and bit into the biggest vain.

The blood filled my mouth like a heavenly cascade. It felt like I was living paradise. It was so sweet, so

delicious. I drank quicker, and more hungrily. It tasted so good. I drank, and drank, and drank. Why in the world, did I ever want to stay with the animal blood? That was nothing in comparison. My hunger had evaporated completly. When I knew it was time to stop, I disapointingly, pulled away. I looked the man in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said, as I snapped his neck.


It had been two months since I'd been feeding on human blood. And I was never going back. Why should I? There was no other vampires in the area where I was, so no one would know. Plus, even if there was, I didn't think I would go back anyway. It felt like I was on ecstacy when I drank human blood. So, there was obviously, no turning back. I was no in the middle of nowhere, hiding outside a house. From what I'd assumed; there was just a man in this house. The perfect victim. I creeped up to the window, and peeked inside. I was taken aback. Inside was a family, watching TV. Yes, there was a man. With his wife, two daughters, a son, and a baby. I had to turn back. I did love human blood. But there was no way I was going to stoop that low. I was about to turn back, when something in the corner of my eye, caught my attention. About ten meters away, were four men in black clothing. And they were heading towards the house. Crouching in the bushes, I waited to see what they were going to do. They made it to the house, and broke open the door, I followed.

I gasped. Inside, was the bodies of the whole family. Even the baby. There was blood everywhere, but I stopped myself from losing contol, to check it out. The men were in the living room where the family had been just minutes ago. When I walked in, they turned to me.

"Are you in this family too? The boss only said about the six of em'." One of them asked.

"How could you do that? Kill an innocent family for money? Two small children?"

"A job's a job." Another shrugged.

"You'll pay for this."

"Oh, this'll be fun. Shall we have some fun with her boys?" The first asked, whilst the others nodded.

I grabbed him, and snapped his neck before the others had time to flinch. Then, I ran to the door, slammed it shut, and pounded onto the chest of another really hard, so his heart stopped.

"Two left."

I ripped the third's head off, and pulled the final one's heart out.

"So, very sorry..." I smirked.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora