The Chains of Rejection

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Okay, so guys. I know this chapter is a little short, and I'm sorry for that, but...I think it's ok. One more thing is that I've changed Elizabeth's age-so she is now 16! I think it is better because she is now closer in physical age to Demitri, even though she may not be to Alec or Seth anymore. I will also be editing Dusk, so that most spelling errors and places where is states that Liz is 14 will be changed.

"I'm going to kill you Demitri!" I screeched.

The bag that was tightly wrapped around my face was extemely stuffy. And I knew that if I was still the week little human I was, then I would be fighting for air right now. Demitri's grip was iron-tight on me. I couldn't even move an inch. However, he did have a few decades on me. It was strange though. Before I had been able to attack Jane, and decapitate Heidi. Yet somehow, I had no way of fighting off Demitri's hold. It had been around half-an-hour since my re-encounter with my kidnapper. In fact, this douche-bag had kidnapped me more than once. I remembered it like it was yesterday. I was a helpless human then. Now, I should of been able to at least defend myself in the slightest way. I remembered the way my bones crunched under his steel hold. And the way he looked questioningly at me when I told him that I was going to 'go with him'.

I growled. I could kill him for this. It was all his fault. My body jaulted as I felt Demitri leap, and sling me over his shoulder. An oportunity had aroused. I kicked, clawed and tore at any available piece of flesh, clothing or hair that I could. If this was all I could contribute to a fight, then I was going to give it my all.

"Stop it, Liz! We're almost there. You don't need to fight. It will be a waste of energy." He snarled.

Even though he was expecting an answer, I didn't give him one. He doesn't deserve a single silable that comes out of my mouth. Let alone a whole sentence. I can't even believe that I even loved this...thing.

He picked up speed, and started to run at his fastest possible. My struggling never ceased. And neither did his grip. I just wished that someone, anyone, would see him. But no, nobody would ever be able to see him running at this speed. No human at least. I just wished he would stop so that I could attack. But that didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only one, Demitri's speed gradually slowed. Excitement bubbled up inside me. This was my chance. My chance to escape. I had to restrain myself from giggling. I knew that that would most definatally give me away. I waited, and waited, until he finally stopped. Now was my chance. He threw to the ground, and pinned me down. Failure.

Even though I couldn't see what was happening, I knew it wasn't going to be good. I felt handcuff's made of extremely strong metal clip around my wrists and ankles. My whole body was covered in chains, and the bag on my head was tied tighter. I hissed. It could barely move. How dare he do this to me? Suddenly it dawned on me how rejected and alone I had started to feel. A few months ago, I could never of dreamed of Demitri doing this to me. Now everything felt unfamiliar. I felt like curling up into a ball, only to remember the chains that were securely wrapped around me.

Demitri's weight on me disapeared, and I thought that I would finally alone. I sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry about this Liz, but you need help. And this was all I could think of. Your severe restraint is nescisary. I can't let you get free as I turn my back now, can I? I learnt that today." Demitri whispered.

I was about to shout back at him, but he covered my mouth.

"I'll be back soon. Goodbye."

Those were the last words he said to me, before he ran.

My body shook with rage. Two hours. Two hours I had been trying to escape, and the only thing I had managed to do was break the handcuffs on my ankles. But what good were my feet in a situation like this? What I was really trying to do, was to break the restraints on my wrists. Then I could take this stupid bag off my face, and see where I was. After that it would just be a matter of breaking the chains. I sighed.

One more try. I thought.

With all the strength I could muster, I braced myself, and pulled.

I heard a very loud snap!and screamed out in joy. I had done it! I was almost free!

I reached down to the chains around my legs, gave them a good yank, and my legs were free. Next, I broke the chains, one at a time, on my arms. The chains around my chest were the strongest, but after many attempts, they were gone. Finally, I grabbed the chains around my neck, pulled, and threw them as far away from me as I could. The bag fell off my head, and I ripped it to shreds. I was free! After all that time!

I felt a bit parched, and knew that I would have to feed very soon. Looking up, my surroundings were unfamiliar at first, but suddenley, I knew exactly where I was.

I was in the clearing. In Forks.

Hope you liked it! Next chap up soon. Also, anyone want to make me some new covers for Dusk and Dawn? Thanks.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now