I Love you Little Bear

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One more chapter. This has gone quick! Please, I need more votes, and comments :(

It seemed like forever ago when I walked up the driveway of the Cullen's home. There was no need to knock, I could hear that they were waiting for me. I removed my glasses, I didn't need to hide my identity from them. Taking in my surroundings, I knew that they were all there, and who they all were. I scanned them, Rosalie looked grave, and Esme gasped, Carlisle showed no emotion, and Bella, she just looked. My eyes rested upon Renesmee. She smiled at me, and I held out my arms. She ran and leap up into them. I spun her around, squeezing her tight. Carefully, I put her down, and she smiled bright.

"Hey little bear. Wow, look how you've grown!" I teased.

But it was true. She giggled. Cupping a hand round her mouth, I leant forwards.

"You forgive me don't you?"

"Forgive you for what?"

"For telling you about everything, and making you run away."

"If that is it, then there is nothing to forgive."



"I love you auntie Liz." She whispered.

I stopped, and turned to look at her. She really didn't realise how much that meant to me.

"I love you too little bear."

"I didn't want this life either."

I jumped as Rosalie came up behind me, how I did not notice her, I do not know. She came to stand beside me on the balcony.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't want to be a vampire. It was hard for me. As you've seen, but I think that it might be harder for you. You've had to adjust to so much so quickly."

"I just don't know what to do Rose. I mean, I had an idea of what exactly I was going to do, but Renesmee, she changed all that."

"I know what you want, we all do, except Bella. And Renesmee of course. Edward dosn't want to tell her yet. Not until your choice is final."

"I can't make up my mind."

"I think you should just follow your heart. I would choose the same as you. But I have Emmett. And the rest of the family. I can't loose them."

"But there is-"

"Someone? Edward could sense that too, he just can't see who. But I think I know." She whispered in my ear. "Demitri?"

I nodded.

"I knew it. Well, just follow your heart, Liz. And it will come to you, I promise."

Me and Jasper walked side-by-side in the woods, far away from prying ears. I looked at the trees. The pine. I listened for the deer, the life. The sun was setting, and it left a golden hue that shone threw the branches. I'd also spoken to Emmett, who'd asked for an arm wrestle. And Carlisle and Esme who apologised for all of my involvment of their problems. I'd asked to speak to Jasper in private. To me it seemed very important. I took a deep breath, and looked at him.

"I know about your skill, and, experience in dealing with newborns. And I wanted to ask you just one favor."

"Of course."

"I would like you to end me."

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now