Maybe One Day

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New chapter. Hope you like. Don't forget to vomment!

It had been so long since I'd seen my mother. And it wasn't going to change now. I abruptly turned away from her, and left the living room. Storming into the kitchen, I decided to take my anger out on the kettle. Bella followed me, and waited until I turned to face her. She looked confused.

"How could you bring her here? You knew that if I came back, that I would come here first! Did you think she wouldn't notice my eyes?" I hissed.

Bella gasped, and stared at me.

"I-I...I thought that they would kill you, okay?"

"Yeah, well sometimes I wish I was dead!"

"Don't say that-"

"Why? Because you wanted this? You wanted to become a bloodsucker to be with Mr. God at home? What about Charlie, didn't you think he would be shocked? You know the Volturi! You know they don't feed on animals!"

"I'm sorry. OK? I didn't think about anything but how to get you home. We need to leave anyway. And you need to tell me everything."

"I'm not telling you anything! I'm leaving Forks. Starting my own life. There's just a few things that I have to take care of..."

"But you're fourteen! You can't go wandering around on your own!"

"Why not? I'm going to be fourteen for the rest of my existance. So I can do whatever I want. Because no one cares about me. Not anymore. Not even you...the person I trusted most!" I turned away from her.

I couldn't face it. I would be alone for the rest of eternity. Forced to live a life of lonliness and pain. Not even Demitri loves me...I've ruined that too. I've ruined everthing.

"Please Liz, just come with me. We'll talk this through, and then you can decide. Please?"

"I can't. I just can't. I'll see you in a few decades." I smiled at her. Tryed to reassure her. Grabbing her into the biggest hug ever, I whispered into her ear.

"Tell Renesmee that I think she's cute. Uncle Charlie that I'm sorry. Edward that things aren't OK with us, but I'm fine with him. And my mum, tell her that I love her...OK?"

"Yes. If only I could cry..."

"I've thought that so much. Haha, goodbye Bella."

I ran to the door, and blew her a kiss.

One goodbye down. Three to go.


The trees shielded me from the rare sun. My fingertips brushed the rough bark as I walked.

I need to get out of these trees.

Running out of the forest, trying not to be seen, I ran to the shelter of the trees beside the treaty mark. The birds chirped a strange tune whilst I waited, back against a tall tree. After what seemed like forever, a beautiful brown wolf emerged from the bushes. I nodded in his direction, and pushed myself of the tree.


He nodded back and padded off into the woods. He returned a few seconds later, wearing only shorts.

"Really? You seriously give a girl some eye candy." I chuckled.

"It's easier to carry. Besides, you're taken, and so am I."

"Speaking of is Seth? Does he know I'm here?"

"Not yet. But he will. What's you're buisness here?"

"I came to say goodbye. And to ask permission to cross the treaty."

"You do realise that the treaty dissapeared a couple of years ago?"

"Yeah, but it don't hurt to be cautious."

"Of course. So where you off to?"

"I don't know yet. All I know is that I can't stay. Need to say a few goodbyes though. And I kinda need to see Seth..."

"Yeah, sure. But you do realise that this is gonna crush him?"

"I'm a vamp already. I'm sure that will hurt him enough. But we can't be together. I'm scarred goods. Don't want to hurt him like that. So it's good to say goodbye now, and save him some serious pain." I explaned.

"I get it."

"Nice knowin' you, Jake." I held out my hand.

"You too. You know you're not too bad for a bloodsucker." He shook it.

"Thanks." I took it as a complement, and left the shelter of the leaves.


He threw the football at another wolf boy. I stared at him from the far side of the beach. It's such a shame that a sweet boy like him, had to imprint on me. I sighed. And it was like he sensed it. He head turned to the side, and he looked straight at me. Causing the ball to hit him in the head. I giggled.

What is wrong with me? I'm acting like a school-girl. Man-up and tell it to him straight.

I composed myself as he ran towards me. Almost crashing into me, he skidded to a halt, panting.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi. I'm you're imprint."

He laughed. "Seems so..."

"Look, Seth. I haven't come here to tell you how much I love you. As you can see, I'm a vampire. And I'm leaving. I just came to say goobye. I'm all blooded up, and ready to leave after one more goodbye."

His smile dissapeared. "Oh. But you can't! No way! I just got you back! I'm not letting you get away! And blooded isn't a word..."

"I was never yours in the first place. I'm scarred Seth, broken. You don't want me."

"Of course I do! I love you!"

"You've got to let me go. And if it makes you happy I'm coming back one day. Maybe then, we can give it a shot. You don't age right?"


"Please, Seth. Deep down inside, I love you too. But I can't be with you now. Not after what I've been through."

"OK. I'll always wait for you. Got it? And maybe one day?"

"Yes. Definetally one day. Because in the future I'm sure I'll be calling you 'the one that got away'."

"Sounds good."

"I know I'm teasing you, but here's something to remember me by." I pressed my lips to his, and let them linger there, before pulling away.

"Don't forget my stench. See you soon..."

"You don't smell."


"You're unique. You don't smell." He sighed. "Bye Elizabeth." He whispered into thin air.


Daffodils. They were his favourite. That's why I held them in my hand. I closed my eyes.

I'm ruthless. Or I will be once I leave. This is my final goodbye.

I pressed my fingers against my lips. And placed them on the smooth marble. Placing down the flowers, I whispered two words to the grave.

"Goodbye daddy..."

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now