The Hard Way

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New chapter, hope you like it. And if you're wondering who the new character is; turn back to Dusk chapter 18, and there is a brief mentioning of them. Enjoy!

"There's a human in the woods." Jasper said, looking grim.

"What do you mean, human in the woods. How does this affect us?" Carlisle asked.

Emmett looked at me, then back at Carlisle. "We asked him if he was lost. And he said he was looking for a girl."

"And?" Rose questioned.

"He said he was looking for Liz."

I froze. Who would be looking for me? It was obviously not one of the Volturi. Emmett would have said if it was. And I didn't remember any other people who I'd met. There was Charlie...but he was long gone. And if was one of the wolves Emmett would have said that too. So, who would it be?

"Did-did they mention their name?" I asked.

Jasper shook his head.

"I guess I have to go then." I sighed.

"You don't have to go." Bella spoke.

"I need to see who it is."

"What if you can't contol yourself?"

"Well, If I know this person enough, I'm sure I can stop myself." I reasoned with Bella.

"If you're sure...?"


Bella just slightly smiled at me, which I took as a 'go on then'.

So I did. After putting on brown contact lenses, I stood proudly, and walked out the door. My instincts were override, telling me to get this over with, but at the same time, shouting at me to run. But I couldn't. I needed to know who it was. It just had to. However, I was quite scared. What if it was someone I didn't know, that were working for the Volturi? If I had a heartbeat, I'm sure it would be speeding up right now. But I couldn't back out now. I could smell their scent, which was a mix of rare spices and herbs. To me, it smelt delicious. However, not delicious for me to eat, it was like the scent had some sort of repellant. I could hear their steady breathing, not panicked then. I knew I was getting closer, because their heartbeat became closer. I rounded a corner, until I saw him. But there was no reconition in my mind.

When he noticed I was there, he turned to look at me, but said nothing.

"You were looking for me...?" I asked.

"No. I was looking for Elizabeth Swan."

"I'm Elizabeth Swan." I told him.

He looked taken aback. "Liz?" He tried to walk towards me, but noticed my confusion.

"Do I know you?"

"Haha. Of course. It's me. Josh." He stated.


I couldn't believe it. I ran to him and pulled him into a hug, he grasped me tightly back. I braced myself for the hunger, but there wasn't any. His scent was heavenly though, and the repellant was still there. I pulled away from him, but kept close.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you. You said that you would be back after a few months. And it's been a year and three months."


"So? Why have you been here for so long? Why didn't you come back?"

"I was...otherwise occupied."

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now