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  • Dedicado a Lauren Sinfield

A few days passed, and nothing really happened. Yes, Jane came, and she taught me the rules and regulations of being a member of the guard. It was like them stupid terms and conditions you have to agree to. And that no-one reads. Exept I had to read them. It was so boring, she droned on and on. But I took all of it in.

Alec visited me too. He's alot less, so to say, evil. Even though his ability is much worse than Jane's, he was actually nice to me. Nice, as in not mean. Which was different for a change. The only other nice person was Demetri. But I don't see him anymore. The last time I saw him was in the throne room.

A knock at the door woke me from my memories.

Wait a minute. A knock?

They never knock. Always enter rudely. So why knock now?

"Come in?" I called. Alec peered his friendly, but unsmiling, face round the door. Once he saw me sitting on my bed, he entered. And sat oposite me.

"Hello. Aro wanted me to give these to you. One is from him. The other is unknown." He handed me two letters. One on parchment, one in an envelope.

"Thanks. Tell him thanks too." I said, staring at the letters.

Alec just looked at me.

"Sorry, sorry. Thank you, Alec. Could you please give Aro my thanks too. And could you please visit me later, in case I have some replies." I corrected myself.

"Yes, I will. And you really need to work on that."

"I know." I sighed. "See you later, Alec."

Alec left me to my privacy. I stared at the notes. Slowly I opened the unknown letter, hoping for some kind words from home. Pulling the letter from the envelope, I began to read.

Dear Liz,

I guess you're wondering who sent you this letter. Well, it's me, Jacob. Sorry for getting you're hopes up. I bet you wanted a more personal letter, but you got mine. Anyway, everyone misses you, and I swear to you, they will get you back. It's already being planned. I know it's been five days, but we're working on it. One thing. You arn't vamped yet, are you? Because that's gonna complicate things. And personally, I like you with rosey cheeks. I just need to tell you one thing. Do you know what imprinting is? Well, Seth's imprinted on you. And trust me, i've never seen a kid want to go to vamp central so much. He really wants to save you, remember that. It might keep you going, knowing someone loves you in that way. You know Renesmee? She really likes you. She thought it was her fault that you got taken away. But Alice made sure she understood that you went freely.

Please reply, Jacob

I looked over the letter twice. I knew what imprinting was. But Seth? The cute little one with the cheeky smile. I guess he seemed like a nice guy. I didn't really know him. I decided to read the letter of Aro before answering Jake's.


I hope you understand all you need to know about us. Because you will be joining us tonight. Jane and Alec will be your mentors, whilst you get used to our life. And Demetri will train you. It will not be a big ceramony. A very simple one at that. Demetri though you would like it more simple. Please wear you're cloak, and wear you're hair like Jane's.

I will see you tonight, Aro

I stared at the letter.

Yes Jake, by the time you read this, I will be vamped.

After preparing myself for the ceramony. I stared at myself in the mirror. My warm brown eyes will soon be crimson red. My pals-ish skin will be white. And my life will change.

I took a deep breath, as I headed for the Volturi throne room.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora