Painting the Walls with Faces

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Seth just looked at me. Whilst keeping my eyes on the road, keeping eye contact with him, and trying to drive as fast as I could, I just couldn't keep up. This was not my day.

"Well, c'mon. Spit it out."

"Um... I kinda-didn't want you to leave. So I tried to follow you, but you were too fast. And then I ended up there. And-" He stopped.


"It's stupid." He blushed.

"Seth." I whined.

"Fine. I wanted to take some goofy pics to give" He looked down, and twiddeled with his thumbs. If I could blush, then you know what would happen.

"Y'know Seth, you're really sweet."

"Sweet enough to pursuade you to stay?" He asked cheekily.

"Nice try, little boy."

"Hey! We're almost the same age!"

"Sure, sure..." I murmured. Keeping my eyes on the road.

"We are!"

"I know." I chuckled.

"You are so mean to me. Wait til' I tell Jacob."

"Ok, now you're acting like a kid."

"I'm not very good at talking to girls." He reasoned.

"Well, you're funny. I suppose that's a good quality..."


"Don't worry Seth, I do like you."

"Enough to give me a chance?"

"I don't know." I answered.

I knew it was going to be hard to do what I was going to do.


My black beauty crawled to a stop infront of the old log cabin. We hadn't spoken a word since my comment. And it might have been a good thing too. I waited, but Seth didn't move.

"Get out." I growled. "Please?" I remembered Demitri.

"What have I done now?"

"Just get out, Seth. I have things to do." I replied, not looking at him.

"Fine..." Slowly, he opened the door, and got out the car. He started to wave, but I sped away not looking back.


Taking a deep breath, I lifted my hand, and knocked the wooden door. I creeked open slowly, and behind it the woman gasped. She looked fully sober, again. And...smelled it too.

"Elizabeth. I've missed you." She cautiously leant forwards, and pulled me tightly into a hug.

"I've missed you too, mum." I drew back, and looked into her eyes. But she couldn't fully look into my eyes because of my glasses.

"Please, come in." She gestered me inside. Slowly, I walked in. Mum walked into the living room. And sat down.

"I've unpacked everything. But your room is still the way you left it..."

"About that...I was kinda wondering if perhaps, I could...stay?"

"Oh my goodness, of course! I'd love to have you back!" She confermed with joy.

"I don't know how long it will be for, so don't get your hopes up."

"I won't. Go on, feel free. Take your time." She smiled.

So I left the unfamiliar room, and walked to the room that was 'mine'. Inside was a double bed, and a dresser, with a TV perched ontop. A few boxes hid in the corner. I walked up to them, and pulled back the cardboard. One by one, I emptied the contents onto my bed. I surveyed my possessions. Surprisingly, I had packed alot of things into the small boxes. Picking up the posters, I stuck them on my walls. And let my favourite stars bring back my memories. Justin Bieber, One Direction, Jessie J, Will.I.Am, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, The Vampire Diaries...and so many more. I hooked up my PS2 to my TV, and placed my games artistically on the dresser. The dresser was already filled with clothes, but I crammed the ones I'd purchased earlier into it, and sighed in relief.

My old life, and the new...

Also, in the boot of my car was a pre-made bookshelf/desk. I filled it to the brim with books, and placed my laptop on the desk, my Sims games next to it. I also placed a few pictures on my desk, dresser, and bed-side table. I looked at the faces, Me, mum and dad, me and Bella, Sian, and...Josh. Oh, how I missed Josh. Along with a lamp and alarm clock. Even though I didn't need it.

Now it finally feels like home.

Chuckling to myself, I opened the game case of Kingdom Hearts, turned on the TV, and grabbed a controler. The familiar credits rolled on...

Sorry, but this is the shortest chapter yet...but you better remember Josh...

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu