Reality TV

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Jihyo's Pov

Today was day one with me being alone in the dorm as everyone else went abroad again. 

To my surprise, Marcus was staying because his body hadn't fully healed and neither was mine.

We sent the girls off at the airport and, as their leader, it was sad to see them leave.

"We'll be back real soon~" Jeongyeon says

"Take care" I said giving them all hugs

"Take good care of them for me" I heard oppa say to Carter

"You can count on me" he said as they shake hands

The group of 10 left and it was just Marcus oppa and I left in the airport.

Of course, with many fans.

When we reached the van, I got a message from Mr. JYP to meet him in his office. I replied and waited for Marcus to get in but it looked like he was having a call with someone so I waited patiently knitting. It's become a hobby that really gets in handy and useful.

"Sorry about that, Mr. Park called and I couldn't ignore it" He said getting in the driver's seat.

"Oh, it's fine. I actually got a message from Mr. JYP myself and he ask-"

"Asked you to meet him in his office? I already know, he told me about it during the call" he said cutting me off.

"Oh, well I guess we should go?" I said

"Yes ma'am, and sorry about interrupting you" He said as I accepted his apology.

"So what did Mr. JYP call you for" I asked

"He said he arranged some kid of schedule for me and that I was going to be on a TV show" he said

"A TV show? That's sudden" I say

"You said it. I asked why and he said it was my late birthday present"

"Did he tell you what kind of show it was?" I asked as he shook his head

"I don't even know why he even want me on one" he says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I mean, I'm not even a celebrity. I'm just a manager, a regular plain old manager" he said

"You might not be a celebrity but you are not just any kind of manager.

You are our manager

You've also saved some of our lives more than once as well as your kindness which makes you more than just a regular plain old manager" I continued

"Have faith in yourself"

"Thanks Jihyo, I needed that" he said

We casually talked about random things as we reached our destination. I headed for the office as Marcus oppa waited in the lobby.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I said to Mr. JYP after knocking on his door.

"Jihyo, Perfect timing!" He said as I sat down in front of him

"So may I ask why I am here?" I asked

"Since the rest of Twice I abroad and your alone, I thought that maybe you could go on a reality show" he said

"What kind of show?"

"I got a call from a show called 'We got married' and they asked if they could cast you"

I thought for a moment to think about the show.

I have seen it on TV many times and it looked fun but it also meant I had to stay in a fake relationship with some male celebrity I probably don't know for quite a long time...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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