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"What would make a good first impression" I said as I head to a car in the parking lot. 

Mr. Park had left a pair of keys in my new room and did that it was the key to the van.  As I opened it it was actually pretty neat and it almost smelled like my room but it was better.  I drive to a mart and get a shopping cart as I think about what I should buy. 

"I guess I should start with food" I said going to the food area. 

I look around and add a bunch of stuff the members would like.  Before I arrived to the dorm I was given a stack of paper with information for what the members were like.  It also had their date of birth, height, blood type, basically everything to what they like. 

"It looks like most of them have a similar taste in food" I said. 

I go to in search of meat when I was stopped by a girl that looked like see was in her teens. 

"May I help you?" I said to the girl. 

"Why do you have sheets of information about our members" she said a little irritated. 

So I think you call one of these people a (quote on quote) "Once".  They are members of the official Twice fan club and they are serious when it comes to Twice. 

"I'm going to call the police if your doing something to them" she said as she quickly took out her phone. 

"Wait! Wait! I think that there is a huge misunderstanding here because I'm just doing my job as their new manager" I said. 

"Are you sure?" She said making a not convinced face. 

"I swear on my life and I even have evidence" I said showing her my contract. 

"Oh I guess that's okay then.  Please take good care of them" she said

"Could you perhaps get my their autographs for me?". 

"I'll try.  The thing is that I'm not close to them yet.  Just got the job today" I said making the girl laugh. 

I get the girl's address and save it on my phone and I said I would try my best.

"Dinner" I said checking a box in the van. 

"Check, Snacks?"

I look again

"Check, everything else I checked oh almost forgot"

I take out those air refreshing things for cars and put one on every air comes out. 

"I'm probably going to have to use air refreshing in my room" I said starting the engine and going back to the dorm.

As I bring back all the boxes of stuff one by one I ring the doorbell once again because I still don't know the password for the door.  I hear the door unlock and as soon as I open the door I hear a bunch of footsteps and doors closing shut.  I sigh and slowly carry in the luggage.  I start by getting rid of the disgusting smell from my room out and make the living room cleaner by vacuuming the whole house.  I tidy up the inside of their refrigerator and put in the new supplies.  I also refill the cabinets with snacks in them. 

I get out a frying pan and some oil and start cooking for the group.  It took some time but I could feel that some of them were watching me by opening their door a tiny bit.  Next on the list was drinks.  I bought some soda and I also prepared a strawberry banana smoothie just incase anyone wanted some.  I rap things up by making side dishes and setting the table with spoons chopsticks and a fork because... I don't know I just thought it was a good idea.  Now came the hard part of which I had to bring them all out.  I walk up to one of the many rooms and clear my throat. 

"Uh-h Excuse me girls? I made dinner so could you guys uh... could you guys come out?" I said asking. 

There was no answer and I decided that I should do something about this. 

"Come on, we can't be like this forever.  Come out so we can get to know each other" I said. 

It took a minute but the members of Twice slowly came out and sat at the table.  They looked rather surprised because they were making a weird face. 

"Is anything wrong?" I said felling nervous. 

"No, everything's fine.  Thank you for the food" the one that I assumed from the sheet is Jihyo, the leader of this group.  It was silent and all you could hear was the sound of utensils clinking to bowls. 

"Okay this is just too much.  Why are you guys like this? I though you were a playful bunch of people" I said. 

"We're sorry, it's just that the last manager was a lot different from you" said Nayeon. 

"Guys looks at me I'm not that manager.  I'm a different person and a whole new guy.  So if you guys can please just think forget about that other manager and start over like nine of it ever happened and let's start a fresh new happy life together, alright? Just think of me as a friend" I said trying to make things right. 

There was a sudden pause and one of them said

"Are you sure?"

"Course I am, I'm like the same age as you girls and I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't let a manager stop me from having fun" I said clarifying me statement. 

"Im telling you guys he's a good guy" a girl says. 

"Thanks for believing in me... what was your name... Sana? Did I get that right" I said. 

"Yup and thank you for last time" she said. 

"No problem thanks to you I finally got a job" I say laughing. 

As I laugh I could also hear the other members giggle and chuckle.

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