Home Sweet Home

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"We're going to Japan"

The girls stare at me and then look at each other and scream with excitement with their hands in the air.

"We're going home girls" the three girls from Japan gather together and hug while jumping in a circle.

"We're leaving tonight so let's get back to the dorm and pack fast so we can head to. The airport" they all nod and we rush to the van.

I like to plan things a little bit early so even if your late, we technically aren't. But I guess my calculations were off because we arrived a little bit too early for the airport.

"So when's our flight?" Tzuyu asks

"9pm" I answer

"And right now it's?"

"Exactly 7:30..."

"Why are we an hour and a half early?!"

"I don't know! We should be like 15 minutes early"

The girls just shook it off and started to talk to each other to kill some time.

"So after we get off we're going to go to a house that was rented out for you guys" they open their mouths in awe.

"What kind of house is it?" Mina asks

"I think it's designed to be like one of the old traditional Japanese houses they used back in the day"

"That sounds cool" Jeongyeon says

"But don't worry, it's just the outside that looks old. Everything inside is up to date. And it also has a pond and apparently a pool"

"Yay! Pool!" Some of them squeal

"I hope we can use it" Jihyo says


The plane arrives and we get on and it was my first time riding in a first class seat but the girls seemed used to it.

"What's wrong oppa?" Chae said

"I've never ridden a plane in first class before" I could tell she knew I felt nervous cause she giggled.

"Think of it as a perk for working for JYP"

"You aren't wrong" I said

"Wanna sit next to me?" She offers

"Sure, why not?" I sit next to her as the others complain and I promised them I will ride with them next time.


The first class plane ride was a nice experience. I got to eat nice food, watched a coupe movies, chatted with Chae, and got some sleep. We got out of the airport with our luggage and as we were exited the automatic doors and into the lobby... I saw something new.

Hundreds of people were waiting for us as they screamed because they were meeting their favorite celebrity. The girls waved and thanked the people for coming and said to be on the look out for the new song they were going to release.

And then came the hard part once again, getting them into the van. This time there were just so many people I actually had military guards under my control. I kept on shouting to make some space but the people were just to damn stubborn. Some even were clingy and tried touching them with some did succeed but left a member in a not so good mood.

As we made it out and into the van, I immediately turned on the engines and drove straight to out destination and the girls didn't complain about it. They thanked me instead some saying that they almost got claustrophobic from the whole thing.

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