Skiing Gone Wrong

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"Oh my god is that you Marcus?! Long time no see bro" Mike said giving me a high five. 

"Long time no see" I said.

"So what brings you here?" He asks getting behind the counter.

"Well it's obvious I came to rent some gear but I need... 10 pairs" I said slowly.

"10 pairs? Your the only one here" Mike said lifting an eyebrow.

"Wait a sec" I said as a text the girls to come in.

A few minutes later...

"No freaking way! You with them!? I've got to be dreaming right now" Mike says pinching himself.

As the girls came in they were all shocked that Twice had just made an appearance in their shop.

"Before asking for pictures and autographs, can we first get our gear?" I said to the eager fanboy staffs.

We get our feet measured and get get skis that were fit for us.  We also had to buy tickets if we wanted to use the transportation to get up to big hills but I doubt that they were going there anytime soon.

"How much do I have to pay?" I asked reaching for my wallet.

"Well actually we were gonna give you like a 60% discount since you used to come here a lot and as our way of showing our thanks but you even let us meet Twice and that's not something that happens everyday" He said smiling.

"Thanks bro" I said.

I didn't notice it but apparently Sana was behind me and heard what Mike said.

"How about we take a group picture together?" She said.

"If it's okay with you" he replies shyly.

As everyone gets in position and Marcus with the camera...

"Move a little to the right Mike... Okay, one... two... three" I snap two pictures and the guys thank the girls for the photo. 

"So you guys will be delivering the gear to us?" I ask.

"Yup, well be leaving pretty soon so we'll meet you there" Mike says.

It took us a little while to get to the skiing hills cause the guys back at the rental each took turns taking selfies with all the girls and they all got their autographs so I'm pretty sure that we made their day.


So I guess since the girls takes to Mr. Park earlier he must've out done himself by renting the whole place because the parking lot was empty and I saw no one in the skiing area except for the security the worked there.

We roughly make our way to the skiing area due to the ski, pole, and the heavy ski shoes.  I plop down my skis and attach them with my shoes.  The girls did the same but some struggled attaching their shoes to the ski.  We, slowly but surely, make our way to rather flat hill where beginners like them start their training.

"So has anybody ever learned how to ski? Like in a book?" I ask and the silence meant that nobody knew.

"Okay so first..."

I explain the basics of skiing to them.  I told them that while going down a hill, if you make an A shake with your ski, you will slow down.  But I'm the other hand, if you make a 11 shape, you will start to go faster.  (So Marcus taught them a lot of things but I don't think I can write them all down and I don't know much about skiing myself)

"Let's give it a try" I said as I went down a little looking at the girls from below.

They all looked at each other and kept on deciding who would go first.  It took some time and courage but Jihyo was the first to come down.

"Remember what I taught you and if anything goes wrong I'll help you!" I shout as I receive a nod.

She started from a corner and slowly made her way to the next and took a turn making and S shape her way down.

As all 9 of the girls slowly made their way down

"Good job, you guys are pretty good.  If you want to get better the only way to improve in my opinion is just practice like how you guys do with your songs" I said making our way up to a slightly stiff and longer hill.

We were doing pretty good half way but then something happened. 

What could that be? Well take a guess, I'll wait.


Oh right you guys can't talk back, so I'll just tell you.  Sorry about that.  If anyone guessed falling over, your wrong. Cause if you fell, I would be a lot easier to aid you since you were still but the case here was that someone was lost their balance and instead of falling over, they started to go down the hill with their hands and bottom on the floor.  It was a good thing that they were wearing gloves and thick snow pants or else going down would have hurt. 

Anyways your all curious who that person is aren't you? 

She's... (drumroll 🥁)

None other than the fierce baby beast Chaeyoung herself.

She was going down really fast and I don't know why but I just dashed at her after I saw her slip.  I could hear the faint voices of the girls shouting in the back with worried tones which I guess made me a little faster.  I got close to her and held her by the waist trying the reduce the speed.  I wouldn't say it didn't work but we were still going fast and luckily one of her skis fell off.  I look up ahead and see nothing.  Which meant that this part was stiff and with the paste we're going in, we would be airborne for a few seconds and crash.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?" I said

"Fly? I mean I have but not like this!?" She said panicking.

"Well it's your lucky day cause we're about to be airborne" I said trying the get the our skis off.

As I successfully removed Chaeyoung's ski we were... well, about to get lifted into the sky.

"Hold tight" I said as she attached herself to my body while she screamed and airborne.

In the sky I ferociously kicked the skis and they successfully fell off.  I saw Chaeyoung was closing her eyes and was too scared to even scream.

Today was a snow day and we decided to go skiing.  I accidentally made Jihyo cry and I meet one of my old friends and we were having a good time until we went to a stiff hill and now I'm with Chaeyoung in the sky probably plunging to my death.  I don't know if I should prey to God, Jesus, Buddha, at the very least let Chaeyoung live if this is really the end for us. 

I look down and see hat we were about to made contact with the ground.

"Well it was nice living for a bout 20 years and having a job for about a week, but you know what they say, life isn't always fair" I said as I close my eyes to see what happens next.

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