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"That was one hell of a work out if I say so myself" I said turning in the car engine.

"Don't swear Marcus" Momo said to me.

"Hell isn't exactly that much of a sweat word" I said whimpering.

"Yeah but if you want to keep an okay image your going to have to try and not swear as much" Mina said.

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind but do I need to keep and image?" I asked.

"Well your our manager for starters and you'll be seen in public a lot so yeah" Jihyo said.

We start to drive some until I had another idea.

"Does anyone wanna go to a public bath?" I ask the girls.

"It does sound good" Jeongyeon said.

"I'm cool with it" Nayeon said.

"I guess it decided then" I said.

"Eh not a bad idea" Dahyun said complementing me.

"But where are we going to?" Sana asks.

"Mr, Park told me a place that we could go to and only JYP members could go to" I said as they got excited.

"Do you think that there's going to be anyone there though?" Tzuyu said nervously.

"I doubt it, the only person who knows that it exists is me because it was just recently made and I happened to get my job then" I said to them.

It was a pretty long ride but it was a playful one at least. We were playing a game were a person had to say a word and the next person has to think of a word starting from the last letter of what the other person said.

"Jelly" Chaeyoung said.

"Yellow" Dahyun said.

"W... uh Washington" Jeongyeon said.

"N... Nutrition" I said as my answer.

"Nut?" Sana said.

"T... zuyu?" Mina said. 

"That's not fair!" Chaeyoung said. 

"Yeah, sorry Mina but names aren't allowed" I said to her while she pouted as everyone else laughed. 

I guess we really got into the game cause we were there before we knew it.  I park the van and head in and the cool part was that we didn't have to pay for anything cause we're members of JYP.  Of course regular people couldn't come in here which might seem harsh but you can't just let people come in here and look at celebrities naked. 

"I'm going to head in and I'll meet you girls after I'm done taking a bath" I said receiving my clothes. 

"Okay, text us when your there" Jihyo said. 

We split up into the separate changing rooms and I find my locker and remove my clothes. 

"Not bad for a work out" I said look at myself in the mirror. 

I enter the bath area and get in one.  The temperature of the water was 4o゚(celsius).  I let my feet in first and then splash water on my chest and put my whole body in.  The bathes were nice and all but it was rather lonely being the only male person from the group.  I meant there was a man sweeping the floor but he didn't seem to be interested in a little chit chat.  I get out of the hot bath and rinse my body with some cold water.  I dry my body and blow my hair dry and take the water out of my ears with a cotton swab. 

"I wonder if the girls are out yet" I said as I approach my locker. 

"Probably not" I said as I put in the clothes they gave me. 

I bring with me a towel but I bring an extra two just incase and I bring my wallet.  As I enter the place where you wear the clothes you receive from the counter and just rest. You could buy stuff to eat or make some sweat by going into high temperature room or cool off in cold rooms. I sat in front of the television for about 20 more minutes until Nayeon jump scared me from behind.

"Jesus Nayeon! Don't ever do that again" I said with a hand on my chest.

"I'll try not to" she said giggling.

"What took you guys so long" I asked.

"Well since were girls we took longer and we looked around the place for a bit" Tzuyu said answering my question.

"That aside, let's get something to eat!" Momo said cheerfully.

"That's a good idea! What should we have" Mina said.

"Roasted eggs perhaps?" Dahyun suggests.

"Nice thinking sis" Chaeyoung said.

"Anyone bring their wallet?" Jeongyeon said

"Cause I didn't bring mine"

We girls all look at each other and make a sad face and then look at me. I sigh and take a deep breath.

"Guess it's on me then" I said slightly irritated but I didn't express it cause it wasn't really their fault.

I got to the food corner and get a whole bowl full of roasted eggs with some salt.

"Oh and I'd like to add some Sikhye (It's basically a really good Korean rice juice) with my order" I said as I paid the woman.

I got 5 bottles of Sikhye and the reason I only got five was because it was freaking huge and it had a straw in each end.

"Did anyone order some eggs?" I said acting like the delivery man.

"We did!" Dahyun said.

"I don't remember asking for these drinks" Jihyo said confused.

"These are on the house because you girls worked out hard today" I said.

"Why thank you" Mina said happily.

We start to eat the eggs and get into a pair of two and start to drink our drink as well.  I got paired up with Sana but she looked rather shy to drink from the straw.  At one point I was going to take a drink be we accidentally touched hands cause we both reached for the drink at the same time. It didn't really bother me much but Sana on the other hand was getting pretty red.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"O-Of Course I am" stuttering, nope she is not fine.

I hand her the drink and she starts to drink but doesn't stop.

"Does anyone want to play Rock Paper Scissors and the winner will crack an egg on the loser's head" Jihyo said.

'Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to be-' I stop my thoughts and look the all the hands and look at mine.

One rock and 9 papers. "Since we all won let's all get cracking!" Jihyo said excited.

They counted down to three and I felt like they were throwing rocks at me.

"That hurt, I mean like a lot" I said rubbing my head in pain.

"Sorry not sorry umm" Chaeyoung said pausing.

"Sorry what?" I asked.

"Well what should I call you? Your older than me so should I call you oppa or just Marcus" she said.

"I lived in America when I was young and they didn't have that kind of thing but just call me what ever you want" I said.

"Okay then, just to clarify it once more. Welcome and thank you for being our new manager Marcus oppa!" Jihyo said.

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